Hi there, i'm new here so at first I want to say "Hello" to everyone Smile.
I've installed the PCSX2 0.9.7beta and i wanted to play GH:Metallica. It's lags in menu and in game (15-25fps for menu, 5-10fps in game). My system hardware is:
nvidia geforce 8600gt
Intel Core 2 Duo (1,86 ghz x 2)
2gb ram
directX 11
should it even works on my PC? Please, help me, I really wanted to play that game on my pc, cause i couldnt find any good custom version :c.

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I'm afraid that your system specs are quite low to even play the majority of the Playstation 2 games. Also like every mod/dev/translator and admin will tell you, always use the latest stable version of PCSX2. The Recommended minimal CPU Specs for PCSX2 is a Quad Core with 3 Ghz speed and by what I've been reading the last years it is recommended to have atleast a 48xx/57xx or higher AMD Graphic Card or 9000-series and newer of the Nvidia Graphic Cards.
ive got that card for about 3 years, but still i can play games like Black Ops on extra resolutions.. so i'm not able to run that game, ye? :x
like I said don't compare PC Games with Playstation 2 games. Even if they look uglier then PC Games and the PC Game runs better, doesn't mean it will run the same for Playstation 2 games on your PC. Emulators are a total different approach towards your hardware. Just believe me what I said before your computer is too slow for about 95% of the PS2 games through PCSX2 Smile
so my dreams about playin gh: metallica is over ;x. i'll test some games tommorow
some games aren't really that heavy, f.e. Final Fantasy X is one of the lightest games u can run through PCSX2 Smile
Also you should use 0.9.8 already, or even 0.9.9 SVN builds : http://pcsx2.net/svn.php
[Image: newsig.jpg]
which one is 0.9.8?
0.9.8 is in the downloads page, the SVN is on the above link
[Image: newsig.jpg]
i installed that, and GH runs better, but still not good to play :c. im really sad ; c

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