.Hack//G.U graphical problem
Hey guys, I've started playing .Hack//G.U on my pc after stopping for awhile (the game worked perfectly fine before)

however, after I upgraded my plugins and emulator (v1888) I've noticed some graphical problems that had never appeared on my ps2, or on pcsx2 before

I attempted to search the forums for answers, but never managed to come across any answers (I searched up .Hack//GU)

after playing around with my settings, I managed to pinpoint the error towards GSDX v1873 as the graphics looked normal on native as opposed to when it's in my customized settings

I have prepared some screenshots and my GSDX settings below (all images on the top are playing using my customized settings):

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

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You can always use the same GSdx you were using before.
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64
the problem is, I completely forgot which version I used

EDIT: it seems to work fine on 0.1.12
but honestly, I would prefer it if I could use the new version
so if you managed to find something, is it alright if you PM me?

EDIT: actually, after examining it more closely
the problem still seems to exist, it's just less obvious
The problem with the newer versions is you have to manually set the offset... this is a pain in the arse, so unless I have to use a newer plugin, I generally just use an older version. You can have both plugins available at the same time, you just have to rename the DLL. Honestly doesn't matter to what, as long as it's different. I have about 4 versions on my PC.

Another fix is to compile the latest GSDX (revision 20xx) and use the new scaling option. It takes a fairly decent video card, but the graphics look a lot better and don't have those graphic glitches.
Will the new GSDX work with the current beta? Or would you have to compile the whole new revision?
Intel Core i7-8700k @5ghz
G.Skill 16GB DDR4 @3600mhz
GeForce GTX 1080 8GB
Windows 10 x64
It will work with the latest legacy GUI PCSX2, yes.
hm......... would an Nvidia Geforce 8600 do the job properly?
the card is the minimum for this emulator, doesn't sound like it would
(11-07-2009, 08:59 PM)Koji Wrote: Another fix is to compile the latest GSDX (revision 20xx) and use the new scaling option. It takes a fairly decent video card, but the graphics look a lot better and don't have those graphic glitches.

That sounds pretty nice, too bad I don't have the DX SDK and it's too heavy.

Anyone willing to compile and upload it? I'd like to test if these graphic bugs go away.
I second that, If you can. It seems far beyond my skill for me to do..
Intel Core i7-8700k @5ghz
G.Skill 16GB DDR4 @3600mhz
GeForce GTX 1080 8GB
Windows 10 x64
lol, I don't think they let us do that
but I managed to get my hands on one of the newer versions
some of the bigger problems seemed to have been fixed
however, there are occasionally flickers and random blooming happening which drags down the fps to 30

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