Help setting up Oculus touch with Nuvee!
I understand this is a very specific request but I was wondering if anyone else has gotten this working or can help to get it working? My main goal is to use the Oculus touch controls for the Guncon 2 offerings on ps2 through a program called Virtual Desktop. I have managed to get other emulators working with it and it works great. When I try to set it up with Nuvee however it just does not work. Nuvee recognizes the touch controller as mouse and lets me set it up but once in game I am unable to calibrate it. I can even see the light gun flashes when pressing the trigger button on the menu screen but it doesn't do anything. Using a mouse thought it Works perfectly fine. I also noticed that when the touch mouse is active the main mouse drifts off into the lower right corner of the emulation window. Any help or suggestions for this would be great. Thank you.

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