Hi all,
Is there any workaround to screen issue in MK Deception? It looks like the image below.
I am running it in 4x native, 16:9. I have downloaded the widescreen fix and put it in cheats folder and turned on enable cheats and enable widescreen fixes. This is what it says in my console:
However it still looks like the image above. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
Edit: It displays fine in software mode, but the quality is obviously nowhere near as good
Is there any workaround to screen issue in MK Deception? It looks like the image below.
I am running it in 4x native, 16:9. I have downloaded the widescreen fix and put it in cheats folder and turned on enable cheats and enable widescreen fixes. This is what it says in my console:
Plugins opened successfully.
EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
Bios Found: USA v02.20(10/02/2006) Console
BIOS rom1 module not found, skipping...
BIOS rom2 module not found, skipping...
BIOS erom module not found, skipping...
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
(UpdateVSyncRate) FPS Limit Changed : 59.94 fps
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_208.81;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.01
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC
ELF (cdrom0:\SLUS_208.81;1) Game CRC = 0x7C22850A, EntryPoint = 0x00100008
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_208.81;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.01
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC
Overall 0 Cheats loaded
Found Widescreen hacks file: '7C22850A.pnach'
comment: Widescreen fix by nemesis2000 (pnach by nemesis2000)
Loaded 13 Widescreen hacks from '7C22850A.pnach'
Overall 13 Widescreen hacks loaded
Edit: It displays fine in software mode, but the quality is obviously nowhere near as good