Help with Silent Hill 3 Emulation
Hello, I am trying to play Silent Hill 3 on PCSX2, but something is wrong. What happens is that the emulator starts, and then, to the right, the title "SILENT HILL 3" appears, and nothing more. Then, PCSX2 closes, and the error message included appears in XQuartz. If you have any ideas, please help.

I am running it on an intel-based Macbook Pro with Snow Leopard.

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well whats the error message...
13" 2010 Mac Book Pro - Snow Leopard 10.6.7 - Pcsx2 Version: 0.9.6 (and praying on 0.9.7 to release)
2.4Ghz Intel Duo Core | NVIDIA 320M (256mb) | 4 Gigs 1067mhz DDR3 Ram

(08-11-2011, 03:30 AM)mubbsy Wrote: well whats the error message...

that's strange, i thought I included a screencap...well, anyway, here's the message:

Offset 0xf4090000 invalid. Legit SIGSEGV. Aborting. line 2: 1393 Bus error ./pcsx2
I need to see what came before that to know why there was a bus error.
13" 2010 Mac Book Pro - Snow Leopard 10.6.7 - Pcsx2 Version: 0.9.6 (and praying on 0.9.7 to release)
2.4Ghz Intel Duo Core | NVIDIA 320M (256mb) | 4 Gigs 1067mhz DDR3 Ram


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