Help with controller and configure
Game: FF Xii
Below is my computer maybe it sucks or not I dont know but ffxii is running pretty good for my computer and I just want to tweak it to make it run alittle faster if possible.

XBOX 360 COntroller HELP!
Can anyone give me a full good explanation on how to make 360 controller work with psx2 couse I saw some people using the controller for it.

Also anyone know any good tweaking to make the game run alittle better. Right now the game isnt bad at all its running good like a ps2 but If anyone knows a way I can make it run smoother please let me know.

My crap computer?
Processor Intel® Celeron® CPU 900 @ 2.20 GHz, 2.2 Ghz
Memory 3072 MB RAM
Direct X 11
Page file 1918 mb used, 3953MB available

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It _really_ sucks. I'm amazed you can actually live with the frame rates that PC gives you while emulating FF XII...
Xbox 360 controller works just like any other controller, plug, configure lilypad to map buttons, play.
[Image: newsig.jpg]
(02-11-2011, 04:52 PM)Bositman Wrote: It _really_ sucks. I'm amazed you can actually live with the frame rates that PC gives you while emulating FF XII...
Xbox 360 controller works just like any other controller, plug, configure lilypad to map buttons, play.

I understand my pc sucks if you haven't read what I wrote please read it again; Also I know alot of people in this forum that posted way horrible computers then mines and are able to play. That what Im asking for someone who has a bad computer but know some tweaks that they can tell me.

Can you tell me how to configure my controller to a map or whatever you just said? im using 0.9.6
there's a few speed tricks, you won't get MUCH from them on a mono-core 2.2 though. maybe 4-5 fps.

if you use the old beta (1888) and find my "MY SETTINGS" thread that I made it may help some, but even I don't think I can make it workable on that PC. what you're GOING to have to do is overclock that Processor to at LEAST 3.9ghz. 4.9 or HIGHER is recommended (which is the same clockspeed as my E2200, which is 2.2 dual core)
Uh you do realize these clocks are only feasible on liquid nitrogen cooled systems made by expert overclockers right? I guess you made that point to show how far away from proper speed that processor is Tongue

Quote:I understand my pc sucks if you haven't read what I wrote please read it again; Also I know alot of people in this forum that posted way horrible computers then mines and are able to play. That what Im asking for someone who has a bad computer but know some tweaks that they can tell me.

In your first post you said maybe it sucks or not I don't know, so I can't see how I didn't read what you wrote. Maybe YOU didn't read what you wrote? As Saiki said with a processor this slow, no kind of tweak will give you any kind of speed boost since it's a pure clock speed bottleneck. You could try using 0.9.7 beta and some speed hacks but I doubt you will get anything above 10 fps on that game. I seriously doubt you saw anyone running FFXII on at least half speed with a computer way worse than yours, and if you saw someone they are lying.

Quote:Can you tell me how to configure my controller to a map or whatever you just said? im using 0.9.6
Just configure the pad plugin and assign your buttons to the respective PS2 controller buttons. If you haven't read it already:
[Image: newsig.jpg]
(02-11-2011, 10:16 PM)Bositman Wrote: Uh you do realize these clocks are only feasible on liquid nitrogen cooled systems made by expert overclockers right? I guess you made that point to show how far away from proper speed that processor is Tongue

Actually, I was thinking less about the hardware and more about the software side of things. (Hardware is not my area of expertiese, software is)

As annoying as the video is, (having been posted EVERYWHERE..) a P4 at 4.9 is capable of playing FFX and FF12 at decient speeds. If you stacked it up against MY PC. shows that my PC is an E2200 @ 4.9 ghz (it calculates with both clocks as one) so yes, if you can match that you will get decient speeds, otherwise you're SoL.
Right now I get 28-35 fps not 18 fps. Also ffx ii is playable right now but it just need a few fps maybe I'll try saki setting and speed hack hopefully it will go up by 10 fps. Also I'm not understanding the whole clocking thing can you explain in more details.

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