How do I achieve authenticity?
In the video plugin settings, I noticed a lot of cool extra features like anti-aliasing and texture filtering.
These are all good for making my games look pretty, but I want to know how to make games look as close to what they'd be like on a real PS2 as physically possible. What do I need to set?

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just make sure "Native" is ticked, and Texture filtering has a tick in it. turn off any anisotropic filtering and anti aliasing.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

Nice and easy. Thanks! Biggrin
No problems Smile If you want super authentic, use the software renderer, but it will be slow Tongue
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

Use software mode and set the extra rendering threads to 3 if your CPU has 4 cores.
And use a crt instead of an LCD. That makes the difference.
(08-19-2015, 09:33 PM)refraction Wrote: and Texture filtering has a tick in it.

Are you sure? I thought the "box" option is the accurate option to the ps2 behavior. If not, then someone should fix the wiki:
box is forced on for everything as far as I was aware, it used to be the other way around i think, or am I getting confused...

I should know, I was part of sorting that out lol
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

I think three state box is unchecked -> 0, ticked -> 1, box -> all other values (e.g. 2). I don't know if this is valid for wxwidgets but it is true for the small number of instances I saw three state check boxes. (They are really a usability crime)

So I guess ref is correct suggesting ticked. But just try it.
K.F is right, the box is PS2 texture filtering.

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