I've read all the guides and still can't get this thing running flawlessly
Blink I've read and followed all the guides and i still can't get this thing to run flawlessly without scratchy in game sound or bouncing graphics the whole nine yards. Only game i can seem to get to run without any hitches is devil summoner nocturne. If anyone can help me to get pcsx2 to run flawless on windows 7 without any glitches sounds scratches the whole 9 yards i would really appreciate it. Because these guides have been of no help to me at all.

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pc specs, pcsx2 version, plugins settings, screenshots ?
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
AMD Athalon 64 Processor 3800+ 2.40Ghz
2 gigs installed memory 1.75 of it usable.
using 64 bit windows 7
Nvidia 9600GT video card

as far as plugins go it's basically what came with the installation of pcsx2 0.9.6

(11-26-2009, 09:31 PM)jesalvein Wrote: pc specs, pcsx2 version, plugins settings, screenshots ?
First problem, single core CPU...
Second problem, 2.4GHZ is not that fast...
Third problem, DDR memory...

I really feel sorry for that video card. It's such a waste in that ancient machine. First of all, you need a dual core CPU to get good results, and not just any, but one with decent speed. Second of all, DDR memory have a much lower bandwidth than DDR2, so that's also another thing slowing you down.

At this point, you can either upgrade your motherboard, CPU and RAM, or you can try the beta r1888, which I doubt would be any better. Honestly, you didn't really expect that ancient system to magically do everything at the godly speed do you?
Nappa: Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his power level?
Vegeta: It's...one thousand and six.
Nappa: Wh-...really?
Vegeta: Yeah! Beat him up Nappa!
Nappa: Yay!
Ninja Gee thanks for the vote of confidence and help. more like a put down if i do say so myself. Not all of us can afford to keep our computers up to date with the latest cpus and technology. some of us that are middle or not even middle class are on fixed incomes and have to live with the things they have due to recession, ect. at any rate if theres a diiferent ps2 emulator out there that runs well on a system like mine then by all means guide me to it otherwise shut your trap and offer courteous help rather then isntantly flaming or putting someone down for their outdated computer.

(11-26-2009, 11:47 PM)dr_thrax Wrote: First problem, single core CPU...
Second problem, 2.4GHZ is not that fast...
Third problem, DDR memory...

I really feel sorry for that video card. It's such a waste in that ancient machine. First of all, you need a dual core CPU to get good results, and not just any, but one with decent speed. Second of all, DDR memory have a much lower bandwidth than DDR2, so that's also another thing slowing you down.

At this point, you can either upgrade your motherboard, CPU and RAM, or you can try the beta r1888, which I doubt would be any better. Honestly, you didn't really expect that ancient system to magically do everything at the godly speed do you?
Hate to break it to you but there's not another working PS2 emulator at the moment.

What dr_thrax said may have sound like a flame but the thing is people dont really understand that emulation requires a bit of computer power to work at all and then you see someone who wants "flawless" emulation in a bad computer, when other people with much better can barely get their favorite games working playable enough or in cases "barely" playable, it's not a really a good thing to read.

You need both a somewhat good cpu and good gpu to work at playable speeds and you dont have a good cpu and well the ram doesnt help either... yes you can run games with your machine but it will definitelly not be enough for most games at all. And well... being of the "not even middle class" myself I can tell you, you can do better with just a little bit of money since you have a good graphics card already (unless that card is an AGP one in which case it wont be so easy).

On another note you didnt describe what your problems actually are or in what games they happen (sound problems are probably caused by low game speed in which case there's not much that can be done than trying other plugins), if you can provide more info it would help.
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64
For $200 or less you could build a machine around that graphics card (again, unless it's AGP) that could more than handle the majority of PS2 games.

If you can't strum up $200, I would have to say stick to playing your PS2 games on your PS2 as it has 100% compatibility and plays all games at 100% speed.
(11-27-2009, 04:22 AM)mordaki987 Wrote: Not all of us can afford to keep our computers up to date with the latest cpus and technology.

Then those that can't will have to forget about ps2 emulation for now.

We've done countless of optimizations and tricks to get pcsx2 as fast as it is.
Emulating this console is really hard work, and we're lucky that todays new computers are fast enough to get us full-speed.
If you want to play ps2 games on your pc, then you need to get a new one.
Else stick to playing them on the console.
(And no, there are no other ps2 emulators out there. These things don't grow on trees you know Tongue2 )
(11-27-2009, 04:56 PM)rama Wrote:
(11-27-2009, 04:22 AM)mordaki987 Wrote: Not all of us can afford to keep our computers up to date with the latest cpus and technology.

Then those that can't will have to forget about ps2 emulation for now.

We've done countless of optimizations and tricks to get pcsx2 as fast as it is.
Emulating this console is really hard work, and we're lucky that todays new computers are fast enough to get us full-speed.
If you want to play ps2 games on your pc, then you need to get a new one.
Else stick to playing them on the console.
(And no, there are no other ps2 emulators out there. These things don't grow on trees you know Tongue2 )

And u guys did a hell of a good job. Nothing more to say. Kanpai! Glug, glug...
I, uh...what? I wasn't trying to flame you, nor did I intended to. I'm sorry if you think of me as condescending, but hey, I was just being straight forward and telling you that your system is too slow (except for that video card). Sure, I could have sugar coated what I said, but I chose not to, because I couldn't think of anyway to put it so that you would not be offended.

It's not like I'm telling you that you must buy a new computer. I'm just offering it as a suggestion. How was I to know that you do not have the money for it. I was under the impression that you do, based on the fact that you can afford a 9600GT and Windows 7 (which, by the way, doesn't need to be 64-bit, since you only have 2GB of RAM). I am only a human being, I cannot know, before hand, what your economic status is.

So, in the end, I tried to point out the cause of your problem, and got misunderstood (and flamed for it). Ah...the story of my life.
Nappa: Vegeta! What does the scouter say about his power level?
Vegeta: It's...one thousand and six.
Nappa: Wh-...really?
Vegeta: Yeah! Beat him up Nappa!
Nappa: Yay!

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