(07-12-2011, 07:48 PM)dreampeppers99 Wrote: I7 2630QM & HD GRAPHIC 3000 Are able to run Gran Turismo 4?
I'm gonna go ahead and say "no"...
(07-12-2011, 07:48 PM)dreampeppers99 Wrote: I just bought a notebook, should I be confidence that when it arrived in my home could I play any games on PCSX2 or is PSCX2 more dependable on graphic card?
Yeah, most games are rather GPU dependant. Dedicated graphics units consist of their own memory, and the speed of that is rather crucial. With an IGP, you better have very fast system RAM for allocation, but this in no way will prove as complete compensation.
(07-12-2011, 07:48 PM)dreampeppers99 Wrote: ...Or any of you have tested any similar specs?
Never used what's integrated on a Core i for PCSX2. I've heard of some success with less taxing games (i.e. 2D visuals, FFX), but I promise you that the limitations will show with many games.
(07-12-2011, 07:48 PM)dreampeppers99 Wrote: INTEL® CORE™ I7 2630QM
You're looking at a GPU that will surely keep you from full speed with anything heavy, and Gran Turismo 4 is known for just that. In all fairness, your CPU is likely not enough for this one, either. Some games just fall beyond any average mobile capabilities (even an i7). If you had some bad-ass laptop, with an overclockable Core i processor, then you'd stand a chance (after being set back thousands of dollars).