In need of a little bit of help regarding tweaking
Hello everybody !

This is my first post and i must be honest ,i registered specifically for this question.

I'm emulating final fantasy X on pcxs2 version 0.9.8 and i'm experiencing frequent slow downs.

The question is,how should i be tweaking the emulator in order to get the game to run at full speed?I'm pretty sure my machine has everything it requires in order to do so.

Here are my specs:

AMD phenom triple core processor 8750

Ati radeon HD 5770

3GB ddr 2

OS:Windows 7 32bit

I hope i didn't post in a wrong section and thanks in advance!

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Speedhacks do wonders, especially with that game.

Since your CPU is pretty old/slow, you would probably need them.
Also not to forget which version of PCSX2 do u use, which Plugin versions, your settings Smile

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