Invalid: [Bug Report] NFL Street 2
Rendering issue using dev build 2351 Tried Open GL and Direct 3D11. Players uniforms change in color and quality rapidly. Don't know why this is, didn't have this problem on 1.4.0

NFL Street 2 (USA)\NFL Street 2 (USA).iso
    Image type  = DVD
 * CDVD Disk Open: DVD, Single layer or unknown:
 * * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (2071792 sectors)
    Opening USB
    Opening FW
    Opening DEV9
3.x GL context successfully created
Current Renderer: OpenGL (Hardware renderer)
Available VRAM/RAM:3840MB for textures
GSdx Lookup CRC:92AEE337
GSdx Lookup CRC:92AEE337
McdSlot 0 [File]: C:\Users\Ryan\Desktop\pcsx2-v1.5.0-dev-2351-g0f5d3d2f1-windows-x86\memcards\Mcd001.ps2
McdSlot 1 [File]: C:\Users\Ryan\Desktop\pcsx2-v1.5.0-dev-2351-g0f5d3d2f1-windows-x86\memcards\Mcd002.ps2
Plugins opened successfully.
EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
    Bios Found: USA     v02.30(20/02/2008)  Console
    BIOS rom2 module not found, skipping...
    BIOS erom module not found, skipping...
# Initialize memory (rev:4.00, ctm:393Mhz, cpuclk:295Mhz detected)

PlayStation 2 ======== Hard reset boot
 ROMGEN=2008-0220, IOP info (CPUID=1f, CACH_CONFIG=14000200, 2MB, IOP mode)
# Total accessable memory size: 32 MB (B:2:8:0) (400:2:7c30)
# TLB spad=0 kernel=1:12 default=13:30 extended=31:38
# Initialize Start.
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize User Memory ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Initialize Done.

EE DECI2 Manager version 0.06 Sep  5 2006 12:57:08
  CPUID=2e20, BoardID=0, ROMGEN=2008-0220, 32M

Patches: No CRC found, using 00000000 instead.
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_211.18;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.00
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC
ELF (cdrom0:\SLUS_211.18;1) Game CRC = 0x7F366F16, EntryPoint = 0x001ACA08
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_211.18;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.00
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC

IOP Realtime Kernel Ver.0.9.1
    Copyright 1999 © Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Reboot service module.(99/11/10)
cdvd driver module version 0.1.1 ©SCEI
Load File service.(99/11/05)
Multi Threaded Fileio module.(99/11/15)
iop heap service (99/11/03)
loadelf: fname cdrom0:¥SLUS_211.18;1 secname all
loadelf version 3.30
Input ELF format filename = cdrom0:¥SLUS_211.18;1
0 00100000 00411530 ..................................................................
Loaded, cdrom0:¥SLUS_211.18;1
start address 0x1aca08
gp address 00000000
# Restart Without Memory Clear.
# Initialize GS ...
# Initialize INTC ...
# Initialize TIMER ...
# Initialize DMAC ...
# Initialize VU1 ...
# Initialize VIF1 ...
# Initialize GIF ...
# Initialize VU0 ...
# Initialize VIF0 ...
# Initialize IPU ...
# Initialize FPU ...
# Initialize Scratch Pad ...
# Restart Without Memory Clear Done.
Elf entry point @ 0x001aca08 about to get recompiled. Load patches first.
(GameDB) Changing VU0/VU1 clamp mode [mode=3]
EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
GSdx Lookup CRC:7F366F16
GSdx Lookup CRC:7F366F16
Get Reboot Request From EE

PlayStation 2 ======== Update rebooting..

PlayStation 2 ======== Update reboot complete
cdvdman Init

IOP Realtime Kernel Ver. 2.2
    Copyright 1999-2002 © Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.
Reboot service module.(99/11/10)
cdvd driver module version 0.1.1 ©SCEI
Load File service.(99/11/05)
Multi Threaded Fileio module.(99/11/15)
iop heap service (99/11/03)
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥SIO2MAN.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 25, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥MTAPMAN.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 26, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥PADMAN.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 27, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥MCMAN.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 28, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥MCSERV.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 29, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥LIBSD.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 30, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥SDRDRV.IRX args 0 arg
SDR driver version 4.0.1 © SCEI
 Exit rsd_main
loadmodule: id 31, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥SNDDRV.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 32, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥USBD.IRX args 0 arg
USB Driver (Version 1.1.0)
loadmodule: id 33, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥USBKB.IRX args 0 arg
USB Keyboard Driver 1.03
Max Keyboards : 2
Debug level : 0
loadmodule: id 34, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥DEV9.IRX args 0 arg
dev9: unknown dev9 hardware.
loadmodule: id 35, ret 1
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥INET.IRX args 18 arg mem=96KB
inet: mem=96KB thpri=48 thstack=8192
inet: debug=0x0 &debug=d5e60 &free_{size,min}=d5fe4,d5fe8
loadmodule: id 36, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥NETCNF.IRX args 67 arg icon=cdrom0:¥ONLINE¥PS2ICON.ICO
loadmodule: id 37, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥INETCTL.IRX args 20 arg -no_auto
loadmodule: id 38, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥PPP.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 39, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥PPPOE.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 40, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥SMAP.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id -200, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SMAP.IRX args 0 arg
open fail name ¥SMAP.IRX;1
loadmodule: id -203, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥SPDUART.IRX args 42 arg dial=cdrom0:¥ONLINE¥DIAL_SPD.CNF;1
loadmodule: id -200, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SPDUART.IRX args 42 arg dial=cdrom0:¥ONLINE¥DIAL_SPD.CNF;1
open fail name ¥SPDUART.IRX;1
loadmodule: id -203, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥DRTYSCKF.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 41, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥MSIFRPC.IRX args 0 arg
Multi-thread available sifrpc module...
loadmodule: id 42, ret 0
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥LIBNET.IRX args 0 arg
loadmodule: id 43, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥LGAUD.IRX args 18 arg rpc=0
lgAud Version 1.10.004, built on Aug 23 2004 at 15:45:25
    * thread priority 48
    * no RPC server (no access from EE)
loadmodule: id 44, ret 2
loadmodule: fname cdrom0:¥SYSTEM¥VOIPF.IRX args 0 arg
EA VoIP (Jul  6 2004 17:31:29), thpri=48
loadmodule: id 45, ret 2
Suspending single plugin: GS
    Saving GS
    Closing GS
Delete 0 Shaders, 62 Programs, 28 Pipelines
Recovering single plugin: GS
    Opening GS
Current Renderer: Direct3D 11 (Hardware renderer)
GSdx Lookup CRC:7F366F16
GSdx Lookup CRC:7F366F16
    Loading GS
Suspending single plugin: GS
    Saving GS
    Closing GS
Recovering single plugin: GS
    Opening GS
Current Renderer: Direct3D 11 (Software renderer)
GSdx Lookup CRC:7F366F16
    Loading GS
Processor-Intel Core i7-4700MQ @ 2.40 Ghz
Graphics-NVIDIA Quadro K3100M

Sponsored links

Can you upload a gs dump ?
Processor-Intel Core i7-4700MQ @ 2.40 Ghz
Graphics-NVIDIA Quadro K3100M

Quote:Can you upload a gs dump ?
better follow the instructions. uploading 3 same screenshots is useless.
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
a few more screenshots
Processor-Intel Core i7-4700MQ @ 2.40 Ghz
Graphics-NVIDIA Quadro K3100M

Thank you for your report.
This bug report has now been marked as Invalid since it either was not reproducible, not a valid bug or otherwise unacceptable for fixing.

This thread will now be closed and moved in the Invalid/rejected/duplicate bug reports subforum.
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go

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