03-24-2013, 09:30 AM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2013, 09:40 AM by Takerukung.)
I play FFX International. Whenever Yuna summon Magus Sisters, PCSX2 is freezed like this pictureTT
It freezed for a long time. I reset many times, but it freezed anytime.
How can I solve this problem?
That's weird, are you loading from a saved state? Try setting SPU2-X to Dsound instead of Xaudio 2, try remaking the ISO image of your game using imgburn and disabling all speed hacks
(03-24-2013, 12:22 PM)Bositman Wrote: That's weird, are you loading from a saved state? Try setting SPU2-X to Dsound instead of Xaudio 2, try remaking the ISO image of your game using imgburn and disabling all speed hacks
Yes, that is weird.
How I remake the ISO image?
I have only ISO file. I don't have the original file.
I load from memory card. I set Dsound instead of Xaudio 2 and disable all speed hacks, but it freezes again.
03-24-2013, 06:07 PM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2013, 06:11 PM by refraction.)
(03-24-2013, 12:57 PM)Takerukung Wrote: How I remake the ISO image?
I have only ISO file. I don't have the original file.
Okay you have been issued 2 warnings about this now (both have been reversed), id be very careful how you word things. I found out from the previous warning revoke message that you do have the original just it is damaged. We are very strict on piracy here so wording like that can get you in to trouble.
03-24-2013, 07:01 PM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2013, 07:05 PM by Takerukung.)
(03-24-2013, 06:07 PM)refraction Wrote: Okay you have been issued 2 warnings about this now (both have been reversed), id be very careful how you word things. I found out from the previous warning revoke message that you do have the original just it is damaged. We are very strict on piracy here so wording like that can get you in to trouble.
I am sorry that I do not tell you at first that my original disc is damaged.
(03-24-2013, 06:24 PM)jesalvein Wrote: did you use any translate patch or did you leave the game in japanese ?
I didn't use any translate patch.
FFX International can be changed language from Japanese to English at the beginning when I start new game, so I choose English language until now.
I borrow my friend's FFX International disc and remake ISO image again. It is freezed. The sound is not freezed. Only the game is freezed.
12-09-2015, 10:56 AM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2015, 10:57 AM by ssakash.)
closing since bug is not reproducible and no relevant information has been provided, issue is probably on the original poster's side.
Thank you for your report.
This bug report has now been marked as Invalid since it either was not reproducible, not a valid bug or otherwise unacceptable for fixing.
This thread will now be closed and moved in the Invalid/rejected/duplicate bug reports subforum.
We're supposed to be working as a team, if we aren't helping and suggesting things to each other, we aren't working as a team.
- Refraction