Is Linux worth it for the average non-tech user?
Just wondering if it’s possible for all the average joes like me to switch to a Linux distribution on PC, or if it’ll be too steep of a learning curve for non-tech folks.
I’m talking about making the distro of choice more secure than what it is out of the box. For example, not using passwords but pass keys (?) when connecting to servers, things like that, that normal people have no clue to even think about  Do you need to have a doctorate of IT in order to stay secure with Linux, so that you won’t accidentally end up putting yourself into even deeper trouble with security and privacy? 

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No it doesn't require deep knowledge... but there is a learning curve involved just like with any operating system. A user can stay reasonably secure on any OS if they practice safe practices and use common sense.

So can an average user use linux? yes. Should they use linux? Maybe, though it is slightly harder to use on average vs windows or mac, but it's not much harder overall for most common tasks.

You're mixing things up, you don't need linux to use passkeys to connect to servers and passkeys present a learning curve for any average user.
Thanks for your response I agree and Thanks for clarifying the point about passkeys

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