02-03-2009, 10:20 PM
I'm a newbie here, but I followed the quite detailed guide and tried my best to get this to work but to no avail.
I'm trying to play my Ar Tonelico 2 JPN ver on the emulator. However every time I start the thing after reading the disk image, it will only show the Playstation 2 Logo and then fall back into the system menu with the "browser and system configuration choices". It doesn't go into the game at all, and I have no clue what's wrong.
My specs are:
RAM: 4GB DDR2 800Mhz
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6700 @3.6Ghz
GPU: 2x GeForce 8800GT
OS: Windows Vista 64 bit
Motherboard: EVGA 780i Motherboard
Graphics: ZeroGS KOSMOS 0.97.0
Sound: ZeroSPU2 0.4.4
CD ROM: Linuzappz ISO CDVD 0.70
BIOS: Japan v01.00 Console
I'm a newbie here, but I followed the quite detailed guide and tried my best to get this to work but to no avail.
I'm trying to play my Ar Tonelico 2 JPN ver on the emulator. However every time I start the thing after reading the disk image, it will only show the Playstation 2 Logo and then fall back into the system menu with the "browser and system configuration choices". It doesn't go into the game at all, and I have no clue what's wrong.
My specs are:
RAM: 4GB DDR2 800Mhz
CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6700 @3.6Ghz
GPU: 2x GeForce 8800GT
OS: Windows Vista 64 bit
Motherboard: EVGA 780i Motherboard
Graphics: ZeroGS KOSMOS 0.97.0
Sound: ZeroSPU2 0.4.4
CD ROM: Linuzappz ISO CDVD 0.70
BIOS: Japan v01.00 Console