Alright hi Everyone i just joined so well i was playing mksm and a lot of games over then i downloaded justice league heroes 2 well speed is pretty nice around 50 to 54 fps,the characters are well detailed and so are the enemies perfectly fitting but. the bug is that there's no **** city graphics,no texture over details i mean like the characters are awesome! but the city is like crap even worse then 1982 2d games! Screenshots below though.. take a look at them well now the version of pcsx2 i have Pcsx2 1.0.0 r5350,Pcsx2 0.9.9 5092 and Pcsx2 1.1.0 (latest builds) and some svn's The result is the same with every pcsx2 -_- i have even tried software mods and the stuff and tried the default settings of pcsx2 too So do you guys have a solution?
because i want to play this game like hell. :l
-Thank you

-Thank you