KH 2 Good, KH 1 Bad
Hey guys. First thread. Just wanna start off by saying that pcsx2 is just AWESOME and never knew my computer could do ***** like this. Great job guys! On to business. I went through a bunch of threads to see if someone had this issue, and I did not see anything, but if there is something similar, by all means, link please! So, I have Kingdom Hearts 2 running pretty flawlessly on the pcsx2, BUT when I go and run my KH 1, the graphics are washed out a little bit. I'm a total scrub at this emulator stuff, I try and learn every day, so please be patient Biggrin

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what exactly the problem shows your picture during the game.
Main PC1:i5-4670,HD7770(Active!)
Main PC2:i5-11600K,GTX1660Ti(Active!)
PCSX2 Discord server IGN:smartstrike
PCSX2 version uses:Custom compiled buildĀ 1.7.0 64-bit(to be update regularly)
smartstk's YouTube Channel

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