Kessen 3 - Possible configuration issue?
Hi, thanks for taking the time to read this. I am currently attempting to play Kessen 3 on the PCSX2 emulator, but having some issues.

I have only played one other game using the emulator, and that was DBZ: Budokai Tenkaichi 3. Ran like a charm! Same configurations.

Upon mounting the image with Daemon Tools and running it from the "File -> Run CD/DVD", I receive errors. I get three green "loadElfFile" lines followed by a spam of "CDVD READ ERROR, sector=11738881". I know this is a dual layer disc, not sure if that has anything to do with it.

My configuration is as follows:

Graphics: GSdx 890 (MSVC 15.00, SSE2) 0.1.14
Sound: SPU2-X 1.1.0
Controllers: LilyPad 0.9.9
Cdvdrom: Gigaherz's CDVD Plugin 0.7.0
Dev9: DEV9null Driver 0.3.0
USB: USBnull Driver 0.5.0
Firewire: FWnull Driver 0.4.0

My F: drive is the one targeted for the loading of images, and that's what Daemon Tools mounts in.

Once again, thanks so much for the help! Happy

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Please don't open any more threads about it, just removing the "downloaded game" part doesn't undo admitting piracy.
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64

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