So i got Kingdom Heart 2 Final Mix + disc. And extracted the ISO on put it on my computer. I was trying to run it in PCSX2 9.6 and 9.7. It runs 100% in the opening scene but once i get to gameplay it goes all the down to 20FPS or lower.
Here are my computer Spec if anyone can help me with my problem
AMD Anthlon II X4 635 Processeor
ATI Radeon HD 4200
Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit
I dont know what else to include.
I tried everything and still didnt get the game to work. Im not sure if its the setting or what?
For speedhacks you can find them under the speedhacks tab in emulation settings, theres nothing special you need to do just tick the ones you want. Just dont turn them all on try them out one by one and see what effect they have on the game, they can have both positive and negative effects.
You can find the frameskipping options under GS tab in the emulation settings, you will have to press shift+F4 ingame to activate frame skip.
For gsdx goto plugin/bios selector and select gsdx in the top dropdown menu then press configure. Tick the native option in the middle of this screen.
So what speedhacks did you try?
EE CycleRate and Vu Cycle Stealing usually gives me quite a boost in speed but they can break some games and cause incorrect fps reading. But give them a try and see what happens. For frameskip you have to press shift+F4 when the game is running, but I dont know the best way to configure it since Ive never actually tried it. Do note that frameskip will make the game run faster but less smoothly.