Kingdom Hearts 2 & gray screens
I've searched around and haven't seen any mention of this age old issue. Is the gray screen issue still present in 0.9.6? Lots of people are claiming 100% completion of the game with 0.9.6... does that mean this issue is now fixed?
E8400 @ 4.1 GHz
Asus P5K-E
4 GB G.Skill DDR2-1000
Radeon 4850 @ 700/1100
Vista Ultimate x64

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yes, it's fixed
Awesome, thanks.
E8400 @ 4.1 GHz
Asus P5K-E
4 GB G.Skill DDR2-1000
Radeon 4850 @ 700/1100
Vista Ultimate x64
this issue has been fixed from playground rev 662. Rolleyes
Windows 7 64bit
Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5200 OC to 3.6GHz, Intel GMA x4500, 1GB DDR2

NinjaMight just work on next guideNinja

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