LaunchBoxPCSX2, an in-between launcher for LaunchBox and PCSX2
Hi all,

I recently started experimenting with LaunchBox and PCSX2.

I developed a small program to cater from some things I wanted. When I mentioned it on Reddit, there seemed to be interest for it so I thought to share it.

Here is the Readme:

-= App Name =-


-= Features =-

This Launcher is meant to be used in conjunction with LaunchBox and PCSX2, the PlayStation 2 Emulator. It has two main functions:

1. Enable Game-Specific Configuration in PCSX2:
   > Hold down Shift or Joystick Button 7 (L2 on my PS2 Joystick) while launching a game in LaunchBox to create a Game-Specific Configuration for that game.
     Any option you change will be configured specifically for this game only.

     The next time you want to launch this game, there's no need to hold Shift or joystick button - LaunchBoxPCSX2 will detect the Game-Specific Configuration and use it automatically.

   > Hold down Control or Joystick Button 8 (R2 on my PS2 Joystick) while launching a game to DELETE the Game Specific Configuration.
     The next times the game is launched, the Generic Configuration will be used.

2. Enable Save & Loading Game States and Exiting PCSX2 with a Joystick/Gamepad:
   > Save State by pressing button 9 (Select on my PS2 Joystick) + 7 (L2 on my PS2 Joystick) - Effectively presses the F1 key.

   > Load State by pressing button 9 (Select on my PS2 Joystick) + 8 (R2 on my PS2 Joystick) - Effectively presses the F3 key.

   > Exit PCSX2 by pressing button 9 (Select on my PS2 Joystick) + 0 (Triangle on my PS2 Joystick) - Without Confirmation.

-= Installation =-

- Place this launcher in the same folder as PCSX2.exe;
- Open LaunchBox and specify LaunchBoxPCSX2.exe as your "emulator", instead of PCSX2.exe. If preferred, you can specify additional commandline parameters you want to pass to PCSX2 in LaunchBox too (ie --nogui --fullscreen).

-= Notes =-

. Configuration of all Joystick Buttons, several notification messages (non-essential) and sound feedback is configurable in the LaunchBoxPCSX2.ini file.

. You can use the seperately included JoystickTest.exe to find out your joystick's button numbers.

. To any y/n in dialogues you can also respond with your joystick - Joystick button 3 for Yes, Joystick button 1 for No.

. If you want to configure the Generic Configuration, you can start any game which doesn't have a Game-Specific Configuration or start PSCX2 manually and configure the options.
Be mindful though that those options will not trickle through to your Game-Specific Configurations.

. Game-Specific Configuration is based on the name of the game's image filename. This means that if you first create a Game-Specific Configuration and then rename your image file, LaunchBoxPCSX2 will not detect it anymore. The easiest way to solve this is to go into the {PCSX2 installation folder}\Game Configs folder and rename the corresponding folder to match the name of your image file.

. You can start LaunchBoxPCSX2.exe from Windows Explorer to show it's version number.

Have fun,

-= Changelog =-
- v0.01b First Release

- v0.02b (not released)
/ Fix: made file extension of game file recognition not case-senstive (it used to detect only lowercase extensions)

- v0.03b
+Added: The Joystick Buttons are now configurable in an ini-file
+Added: Display of various notification messages (non-essential) can now be toggled in an ini-file
+Added: Feedback sounds can now be toggled in an ini-file
/ Fix: Not all PCSX windows were closed when --nogui was being specified as a command line option in LaunchBox.

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 982,25 KB / Downloads: 1.116)
.zip (Size: 980,83 KB / Downloads: 483)

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Thank you SO MUCH for your effort and for sharing your awesome tool with us. You might should post it over at Launchbox forum? I'm sure Jason would love that and maybe even add it to launchbox! At least you'll get your tool to a lot of "launchboxers" Tongue

I was looking for a way to use custom configs per game and so i stumbled upon your post. I'm glad pcsx2 is the last system i've integrated to launchbox, so i found your tool! Smile

I'm using Pinnacle Game Profiler for my other emulators, but having those features built it is way over the top. I love it, thx!

A few notes from my side:
You really should make the key mapping configurable. I'm using a xbox 360 controller and my Button 9 (your select) is my L3 button and i can't find a 0 button on my xbox360 controller.  Smile
The Controller tool says that Select is my button 7, but starting with Select button held doesn't work for me, but shift does.
I'd also prefer to have quit on Start + Select, so that'd be also a key feature for me.

Maybe add an option to hide the "using generic config" dialog on startup. It's awesome for setting everything up, but it'll get annoying soon everytime a game is launched on the TV.

Besides that, everything works so well, i love the custom configs! Smile
Hi Mooglux, 

Happy to hear you find it useful and thanks a lot for your positive and very useful feedback.

I did indeed already post it in the LaunchBox forum at the same time I posted it here - it's in the "Features" section Wink

I'm implementing your proposed features. It's almost done, I only need a few more checks and messages. I'm expecting to release the update within the next days.
Awesome! Really looking forward to the new features! Smile

Sry, seems like i've overlooked your post Laugh
I updated LaunchBoxPCSX2 to version 0.03b.

-= Changelog =-
+Added: The Joystick Buttons are now configurable in an ini-file (LaunchBoxPCSX2.ini)
+Added: Display of various notification messages (non-essential) can now be toggled in an ini-file
+Added: Feedback sounds can now be toggled in an ini-file
/ Fix: Not all PCSX windows were closed when --nogui was being specified as a command line option in LaunchBox.

I updated both the text and attachment in the first post.
Looking forward to your feedback Smile
(01-09-2016, 04:49 PM)XoRRoX Wrote: I updated LaunchBoxPCSX2 to version 0.03b.

-= Changelog =-
+Added: The Joystick Buttons are now configurable in an ini-file (LaunchBoxPCSX2.ini)
+Added: Display of various notification messages (non-essential) can now be toggled in an ini-file
+Added: Feedback sounds can now be toggled in an ini-file
/ Fix: Not all PCSX windows were closed when --nogui was being specified as a command line option in LaunchBox.

I updated both the text and attachment in the first post.
Looking forward to your feedback Smile

Love the concept, haven't been able to get it to work just right yet. 

If I start a game in Launchbox with default config, no problem, starts and plays. 

If I try to do it while holding shift, it tells me PCSX2's default ini files not found in subfolder \inis\.

I thought it might be because my subfolder is named inis_1.4.0 so I renamed it to just inis, no luck still said defaults weren't there. 
So I made a new folder called inis and pasted in default PCSX2 config settings. 
I am still getting the same error. 

Launches perfect when not trying to use custom config. 

Any ideas?

(01-22-2016, 07:38 PM)spacegoathlz Wrote: Love the concept, haven't been able to get it to work just right yet. 

If I start a game in Launchbox with default config, no problem, starts and plays. 

If I try to do it while holding shift, it tells me PCSX2's default ini files not found in subfolder \inis\.

I thought it might be because my subfolder is named inis_1.4.0 so I renamed it to just inis, no luck still said defaults weren't there. 
So I made a new folder called inis and pasted in default PCSX2 config settings. 
I am still getting the same error. 

Launches perfect when not trying to use custom config. 

Any ideas?


Hi spacegoathlz,

I'm guessing you have your inis in the My Documents\PCSX2\ folder, right? It came just under my intention that this was possible - I always used the "portable" setup where there is a "portable.ini" in the PCSX2 folder and \Inis is a subfolder of that.

I made changes to cater for the My Documents situation already. Have to do some testing and, if I have enough time, hope to be able to release it the coming days.

(01-23-2016, 07:22 AM)XoRRoX Wrote: Hi spacegoathlz,

I'm guessing you have your inis in the My Documents\PCSX2\ folder, right? It came just under my intention that this was possible - I always used the "portable" setup where there is a "portable.ini" in the PCSX2 folder and \Inis is a subfolder of that.

I made changes to cater for the My Documents situation already. Have to do some testing and, if I have enough time, hope to be able to release it the coming days.


What is the full path of where it looks for the folder? Maybe I can create one there in the meantime?
(01-25-2016, 05:33 PM)spacegoathlz Wrote: What is the full path of where it looks for the folder? Maybe I can create one there in the meantime?

In this version it will look for the folder {PCSX2.exe Folder}\inis

(I ran into some unexpected difficulties with other (minor :s ) things I changed but nevertheless have to solve before releasing the next version.)
(01-26-2016, 09:34 AM)XoRRoX Wrote: In this version it will look for the folder {PCSX2.exe Folder}\inis

(I ran into some unexpected difficulties with other (minor :s ) things I changed but nevertheless have to solve before releasing the next version.)

No sweat. I appreciate the work you're doing. Most people have no idea just how much goes into programming things like this. I've never actually done any programming, but I was a liason between my dept and the programmers at the last company I worked for, and I know it's a nightmare at times. 

No need to reply to this right away, but please do when the new version hits.


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