Legality/Monetization question
Hello developers and team!

I'm an up and coming YouTuber looking to make professional videos and content. I have intentions to use the PS2 emulator to play games that will appear on my channel and have a strict no piracy policy for my videos, and discussing how I won't accept that in my content.

I'm looking to find out who I would need to speak to for permission to use the emulator and if there are any royalty or monetization requirements I need to meet for using the software. If there is a document you want to refer me to instead that is great as well. If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you for your time!

-Andrew Ford,

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The emulator is free to use, there's no licensing requirements. All we ask is you don't use our platform to advertise your channel.

[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

(04-24-2022, 07:19 AM)refraction Wrote: The emulator is free to use, there's no licensing requirements.  All we ask is you don't use our platform to advertise your channel.


Gotcha! I assume you're referring to like advertising here and such. I'll not being doing that of course. I'd only advertise on my own channel, about my own content while using the emulator which it sounds like you're fine with. Excellent!

I'd like to include links of course to your software to mention it in case others are interested. Is there a Patreon or Donate system I can refer my viewers to if they wish to support your emulator? I'm not really seeing one through basic search so I just wanted to see through an official source like yourself.
There is not currently, but thanks for the offer.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

Excellent! Well thank you so much for answering my questions and a heartfelt thanks for the emulator itself. PCSX2 is a fantastic piece of software and you guys have done an incredible job programming and providing it to the community. I just wanted to personally express that and my thanks for all the work you do. I hope you have a pleasant day!

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