Hey guys, I'm hoping someone could help me out a little. I'm sorta new to this so bare with me.

I'm running the beta 0.9.7 (r3113) and I'm having some major slowdown for FFXII. I'm running it from an .ISO if that matters.

My laptop specs (dxdiag):
Windows Vista Home
nvidia GeForce 8600m GT (Approx. Total Memory: 1776 mb)
Intel Core 2 Duo T8300 @ 2.4GHz
3582 MB Ram

As for PCSX2 settings:

GSdx9-Native resolution, Direct 3D9 hardware, Logarithmic Z and Alpha Correction checked.
EE/IOP, VUs, and GS at default. (frame skipping doesn't seem to work)
No Game Fixes selected.

Speedhack settings:
EE Cyclerate @ 33%
VU Cycle stealing disabled (didn't help)
Enable Wait Loop detection and mVU Flag Hack selected (added about 5fps).

The game runs fine at times, hovering around 55fps, good enough for me. But sometimes it drops down to 20-ish FPS, and just drags along. Anyone have an idea to help speed things along?


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If your card supports it, put it in DirectX 10 (Hardware). Generally increases performance.
I don't see an option for that, only Direct3D9 (Hardware), Direct3D9 (Software), Direct3D9 (Null), Null (Software), and Null (Null).
Try updating the emulator with plugin package later: http://pcsx2.net/downloads.php?p=publicbeta

And also put the resolution in Native
update speed hacks... EE at 33% and Vu at 1... then enable intc and loop detection.. and btw your cpu is a bit weak for FFXII

(09-02-2010, 05:38 AM)Phobia Wrote: I don't see an option for that, only Direct3D9 (Hardware), Direct3D9 (Software), Direct3D9 (Null), Null (Software), and Null (Null).

You probably need to update your vista to SP2 and install the platform update for DX11 for the Direct3D10/11 options to show.

Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64
Alright, I'll try the new plugins when I get off work.

And thanks for the link Shadowlady, I'll look into that.

@darkvirus I've already tried that. Using 33% and loop detection does give me the fastest results, but I'm trying to squeeze a little more out of it. The other options don't help, but they don't slow it down either.

My computer runs Oblivion just fine after some adjustments, so I'm sure I can get FFXII running fine after some adjustments too Tongue
Quote:My computer runs Oblivion just fine after some adjustments, so I'm sure I can get FFXII running fine after some adjustments too
You can't even start comparing native PC games to PS2 emulation, it's a whole different level of complexity, with of course the emulator needing VASTLY more processing power than any PC game does. For more info check here

Your main problem here is probably processor speed, but you should really get DX10 hardware of GSdx working, that will certainly be a free FPS boost (and also has less graphics bugs compared to DX9)
[Image: newsig.jpg]
(09-03-2010, 08:36 AM)Bositman Wrote: You can't even start comparing native PC games to PS2 emulation, it's a whole different level of complexity, with of course the emulator needing VASTLY more processing power than any PC game does. For more info check here

Your main problem here is probably processor speed, but you should really get DX10 hardware of GSdx working, that will certainly be a free FPS boost (and also has less graphics bugs compared to DX9)

Ah, didn't know that. I figured it took more power, but not that much more. I'll take a look at that link Tongue

Well. I run FFX flawless. And i got the same setup as The first poster. Thread starter. :]

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