(04-20-2009, 10:57 AM)spike1977 Wrote: ok. native res works fine. but with other internal res doesn't work sigh :-(
Just noticed something... you know you are running the game at a fps rate higher than normal? I am assuming you set the fps limit to 60. Well for PAL region, it normally runs at 50 fps. So you are running at 120% speed.
I don't know about this game and since I don't have it i can't try, but you might want to check wich is the internal resolution (it will tell you on the title bar of the emulator main windows when running the game). If it is, say, 640x480 (wich won't likely be but let's just suppose it is), you have to try to keep that same ratio, so just multiply by 2 both numers (640 x2 = 1280 and 480 x 2 = 960). Put that resolution and see if the glitch is gone. If it is gone, then just try to keep that ratio and up the resolution as much as you want to.
Give it a try. Can't guarantee it will work though since I don't own that game and I can't try.