Got some new games recently, including Super Galdelic Hour which chewed up and spit out my CPU like it was trash. You know how intensive ZOE2's boss battles are? It's kind of like that, except for most of the game.
You'd think a VU limited game would at least benefit from VU stealing or MTVU but nope. I tried every combination of hacks and settings from several revisions but there's no getting above 40fps in some of the mini-games. (Also FYI my GPU is under 20% load.)
ZOE2, MGS3, SOTC, etc. they're all pretty demanding but with the right settings my 3.2ghz gets full speed over 90% of the time. For this one you'd need over 4ghz to stay barely above 60fps, just maybe.
Anyway I found it amusing. If anyone else has this game and manages to find the magical combination of settings to gets constant 60fps with ~3ghz let me know!
UPDATE: Foooound it! Changing VU1 to superVU gave a 20% boost in performance. Now with just 3ghz I'm usually hovering at the 60fps mark
You'd think a VU limited game would at least benefit from VU stealing or MTVU but nope. I tried every combination of hacks and settings from several revisions but there's no getting above 40fps in some of the mini-games. (Also FYI my GPU is under 20% load.)
ZOE2, MGS3, SOTC, etc. they're all pretty demanding but with the right settings my 3.2ghz gets full speed over 90% of the time. For this one you'd need over 4ghz to stay barely above 60fps, just maybe.
Anyway I found it amusing. If anyone else has this game and manages to find the magical combination of settings to gets constant 60fps with ~3ghz let me know!
UPDATE: Foooound it! Changing VU1 to superVU gave a 20% boost in performance. Now with just 3ghz I'm usually hovering at the 60fps mark