More questions :P right anolog stuck turning left
Yeah, i can never get it to
Work perfectly Tongue2 the right anolog is stuck on turning left.. Sometimes it does it, sometimes it don't. Idk but its annoying having the camera turning and turning around the player.. Any way to fix? Its a new controller so im sure its fine,

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You mean it does that without you touching it? Then you turned the sensitivity TOO high.
[Image: XTe1j6J.png]
Gaming Rig: Intel i7 6700k @ 4.8Ghz | GTX 1070 TI | 32GB RAM | 960GB(480GB+480GB RAID0) SSD | 2x 1TB HDD
yeah you should only have to set it to something like 1.35 in lilypad.
[Image: gmYzFII.png]
[Image: dvedn3-5.png]
(06-21-2014, 05:04 AM)Blyss Sarania Wrote: You mean it does that without you touching it? Then you turned the sensitivity TOO high.

Idk, ive tried that, the funny thing is, it does this sometimes only. Like right now its fine but maybe like 5 mintues later it will
Start doing it again. Then stop.. So idk.
Test the controller at Devices and Printers, eventual problems may be resolved by calibration in there but sometimes the controller may be broken.
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