Mortal kombat Armageddon
Pls i need 2 know how 2 setup emuator 4 this game.

major problem is when i enter game, it works very well, but when i want to enter a combat it moves realy slow, so can u tell me what is the problem pls?

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maybe tell us something more -.- pc specs, plugins etc ..
Intel Dual Core E5200 @ 3,5ghz /gigabyte GF9500GT/2 GB RAM / ASRock P45XE/ Corsair CMPSU-400CXEU
my pc : AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 Dual core processor 4200+
2.21 GHz 2.00 gb of Ram
Nvidia GeForce 8500 GT

so is it cause of my pc or just didnt configured it well??
Your specs aren't great; you've got a pretty weak processor and graphics card. However, if you don't post your configuration, how are we supposed to know if you've configured it correctly?
This game is pretty intensive on PCSX2, even with heavy use of speedhacks and optimizations it would still run slow for you I'm afraid.
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64
can u pls tell me how i need 2 config some pics if u can...i am trying 2 post u screen shoots but i can...don't know how Wacko
Alt + Print screen will capture the active window. Then just paste into Paint and save.
upload it on some image server
Intel Dual Core E5200 @ 3,5ghz /gigabyte GF9500GT/2 GB RAM / ASRock P45XE/ Corsair CMPSU-400CXEU
(10-12-2009, 11:31 PM)boogerthe2nd Wrote: Alt + Print screen will capture the active window. Then just paste into Paint and save.

i did that but file is 2 big 2 attach..
can u tell me 1 image server when i can do that? cause i am new with this... :s
Save as JPEG, not PNG or BMP.

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