06-25-2010, 11:47 AM
Hey Guyz ..Am New Here .. Anw ..i have agame called Naruto Shippuden Narutimate Accel 2 ..it take along time to download it ..i download pcsx2 program to play this game on my pc ..i configure it as every >>graphics : gsdx 890 (msvc 15.00, SSE2) 0.1.14 ...MY PC IS NOT ABLE TO PLAY gsdx 890 (msvc 15.00, SSE3) 0.1.14 ....... FIRST CONTROLLER :lily pad 0.10.0 <<and that is the proplem and i will tell ya later .. cdvdrom : linuz iso cdvd 0.8.0 ....usb : usbnull driver 0.5.0 ... sound : zero spu2 r514-dev 0.4.6 ......second controller is lily pad and the rest is fine ......when the game start it run successfully fine and there is story mood and another mood where u can fight other character ..when i fight other characters the character am playing wiz walk and run and jump so fine but in story mood when i play with naruto at his first mission when he meet sakura with jeraya i can`t move while i can jump ..i can`t move to back or or forward or right or left ..it really make me angry ..can any one help me !