Need help
I have been stuck for days trying to get this to work. I try every possible configuration and i follow the configuration guide but i keep getting the same error.

When i try to load a cd/dvd rom it keep saying zerogs plugin couldnt be found and it also keeps telling me to update directX which i do have the latest version of i am running vista.

Here is some other info as well

PCSX2 0.9.6 - compiled on Feb 27 2009
Savestate version: 8b400004
CPU vendor name = GenuineIntel
FamilyID = d
x86Family = Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU T5270 @ 1.40GHz
CPU speed = 1.397 Ghz
Cores = 2 physical [2 logical]
x86PType = Standard OEM
x86Flags = bfebfbff 0000e39d
x86EFlags = 20100000

Detected MMX
Detected SSE
Detected SSE2
Detected SSE3
Detected SSSE3
Not Detected SSE4.1

F1 - save state
(Shift +) F2 - cycle states
F3 - load state
Plugin load failure: plugins\ZeroGS.dll
SysLibError Message: <NULL>
Plugin load failure: C:\Users\Justin\Documents\Pcsx2\plugins\ZeroGS.dll
SysLibError Message: <NULL>
Bios Version 2.0


any suggesstions on how to get this emulator to work?

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Just to start off your help because the others will be able to do more but i suggest you do the update if you havent already, you made it seem like you havent. I was in the same situation as you (kinda) and was amazed that i didn't have all the updates it had done, so when that windows opens just try it if you havent already.
Also it might help if you show a picture of your configuration of the plugins as well
DX 10 just had an update about 5 days ago. You need to manually download it, should only be 4-6mb.
try to run it as administrator
Quote:Bios Version 2.0


Did you properly dump your bios ?
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
If it tells you to update then you need to update. Why do people tend to think that the program lies to them?Laugh
when i check the version of directX it is directx10. I have posted my configuration and the errors i get when i try to start a game.

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yes this happen when your directx is not update update it to mar 2009 version and it will work
ok since i updated directX i am getting new errors but it seems closer to working when i finally start the emulator to read the cd/dvd i get a series of errors i have no clue how to fix this Wacko I am also using the same configuration as well

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why are you trying to run ZeroGS? Mellow (Gsdx is more compatible)

maybe you should try running as admin? Unsure (right click->run as admin)
Windows 7 64bit
Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5200 OC to 3.6GHz, Intel GMA x4500, 1GB DDR2

NinjaMight just work on next guideNinja

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