as the title says i need some help setting up pcsx2 for my computer. I would like to play Tales of legendia, xenosaga FF games ect.. basicly all the PS2 rpgs. I have PCSX2 9.8.
My System
Windows 7 64-bit
AMD Athlon ™ II X3 425 Processor (3 CPUs), ~2.7GHz
8192MB RAM
DX 11
Video Card
ATI Radeon HD 4650
LEt me know if you guyes require anymore information. I am finding tales of legendia is basicly unplayable.
Xenosaga 1 seems to lag and is very pixalie
Grandia Xtreme lag alot and graphics are flickering.
Now i dont know if its my iso's it might be who knows, i dont have much knowledge about emulators so Any help would be awesome.
Current set-up is
GS: GSDx 4643 (MSVC 16.00, SSE2) 0.1.16 [GSdx32-SSE2]
Configured to
DX3d10 (hardware) ((Software doesnt make a difference or makes it worse.))
Interlacing none.
d3d x2
HArdware mode settings:
Texture filtering and 8-bit enabled.
Thanks for your help in advance.
I read the setup guide but yeah thats mostly all greek to me heh..
My System
Windows 7 64-bit
AMD Athlon ™ II X3 425 Processor (3 CPUs), ~2.7GHz
8192MB RAM
DX 11
Video Card
ATI Radeon HD 4650
LEt me know if you guyes require anymore information. I am finding tales of legendia is basicly unplayable.
Xenosaga 1 seems to lag and is very pixalie
Grandia Xtreme lag alot and graphics are flickering.
Now i dont know if its my iso's it might be who knows, i dont have much knowledge about emulators so Any help would be awesome.
Current set-up is
GS: GSDx 4643 (MSVC 16.00, SSE2) 0.1.16 [GSdx32-SSE2]
Configured to
DX3d10 (hardware) ((Software doesnt make a difference or makes it worse.))
Interlacing none.
d3d x2
HArdware mode settings:
Texture filtering and 8-bit enabled.
Thanks for your help in advance.
I read the setup guide but yeah thats mostly all greek to me heh..