(08-29-2010, 03:19 AM)Taelynna Wrote: I am really bad with technology. I can use it but Im far from a tech geek. I downloaded all three sections and I've opened up the application. But every time I try to run one of my games in the dvd drive, I get two errors.
Error loading /Applications/pcsx2.app/Contents/Resources/pcsx2/disgaea.iso
Error opening cdvd plugin
Can anyone help a poor non-tech-savy girl out? I would love you forever in an internet helper and helpee sort of way.
I've never had much luck running the games from the DVD Drive either.

I wound up having to rip all my games to the Hard Drive.
I use
DVD Decrypter, version
Once ya install DVD Decryptor, make a folder on your Hard Drive some where, and name it "PS2 Games".
Open DVD Decrypter (without the DVD in your DVD Drive) and click "Mode" then mouse over "ISO" then click "Read".
Next, insert your Game DVD in your DVD Drive, and wait a little while for it to load up in DVD Decrypter.
Click the little folder with magnifying glass icon in DVD Decryptor to change the destination to that "PS2 Games" folder you made earlier.
Now, you can click the big "DVD > Hard Drive" icon in DVD Decryptor to rip your game.
Once it's done, you can exit DVD Decrypter, then open PCSX2.
Ya should be using PCSX2 (svn) May 29 2010.
You can tell what version you have by looking at the title bar of the PCSX2 Program.
If that's not the version ya have, you can download it here:
Once it's installed, Exit PCSX2, then re-open it.
Click "Config" then click "Plugin/BIOS Selector".
Make sure the CDVD drop down box has "cdvdGigaherz (r3006) 0.8.0 [cdvdGigaherz]" selected. If not, click the little down triangle next to it, and select it.
Click Apply if it's not greyed out.
Click the "BIOS" icon at the top.
If the list is empty, you need to get a PS2 BIOS.
Note: talk of downloading a PS2 BIOS from the internet will result in getting banned from this website, as will talk of downloading games from the internet. >_<
I had my bro rip a BIOS from my PS2 for me, as it's a bit beyond my tech skills, otherwise I'd tell ya how to do it here. Maybe someone else will fill in the gap?
After you select the BIOS that's right for you (You put all the files from the bios rip in a certian folder; you can find (or even change) the path to it on this screen) click Apply then OK.
Back to the main PCSx2 Window, exit it, then re open it.
Click Config, then go to Video, then go to Plugin Settings.
For Renderer, Choose Direct3D 10/11 (Hardware). If it's not listed, choose Direct3D9 (Hardware)
Leave Interlacing set to None.
Leave D3D internal Res at default 1024 x 1024
Set "Or use Scaling" to "2x".
The scaling setting will be greyed out if you have a check mark in "Native". Some games require Native, but most don't.
Make sure "Experimental HW Anti Ailasing" is set to zero, and leave it there.
The rest of the settings here should be left alone until ya become more familiar with this emulator.

Click OK.
Ok, now comes the fun part, setting up your controller.
But before that,exit PCSX2 yet again, and then re-open it.
(I keep asking ya to do this in order to make sure the settings ya change get saved).
Click "Config" then go to Controllers (PAD) > " then click on "Plugin Settings..."
I'll leave this part of the guide out for now. If ya need help with it, just ask, but be sure to let us know if you have a Gamepad (and if so, what gampad), or are planning on using the keyboard and mouse only.
Once you are done here, click Apply, then OK, then close PCSX2 , then open it again.
Click "CDVD" then click "Iso".
Click "CDVD" then "Iso Selector > Browse".
Browse to the PS2 Games folder you made earlier, and select the game ya ripped.
Next, click "System" then click "Boot CDVD (Fast)"
Your game should start playing!
I just realized this is in the MAC section.
Sorry, but I don't know if a lot of what I said applies, as I have Windows XP and Windows 7, but not a mac. >_<