Not enough HW to run PCSX2 in Linux

I'm new using this emulator. I'm trying to run it into a Debian 12 with a GTX660 and an i5-3350P (3.1Ghz with 4 cores).

Usin PCSX2 v1.6.0, when I boot a game it appears "GS plugin failed to open. Your computer may have insufficient resources, or incopatible hardware/ drivers".

I changed the config to use OpenGL SW, and when I look at the log it displays "Failed to create the opengl context. Check your drivers support for openGL 3.3".
I'm using the nvidia drivers 470.223.02 for Linux.

I've seen people from YT using similar HW and being allowed to use the emulator correctly. I also have a GTX750 which I can use instead of the GTX660, but I don't know if it will make a change.

Log also displays:
"libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found"
"libGL error: failed to load drivers: swrast"

Plugins are initialized succesfully.

Somone can give me some tips or tell me if the HW is not enough?

Thanks Smile

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About 5 seconds of googling led me to this page.

Which is referenced from:

Good luck.

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