07-09-2011, 01:59 AM
Hello. I was recently playing Onimusha 2 on PCSX2 0.9.8. The game (NTSC-J version) runs well, until I get up to the part when you open the door for the ship after the final battle with Gogandantess. The controller configuration only gives me the option of Up, Down, Left, and Right analog control, thus making the controller lag as the plugin does not accept 360 degree controls. Now this part of the game is impossible. Can someone send me a gamesave from right after the gates are open, when Jubei and Oyu are on the ship. I can only find gamesaves with the game complete, but thats not what I need. I can't do anything about the controls and a gamesave seems to be the only solution I can think of. Thanks in advance.