(10-28-2013, 06:03 PM)hellbringer616 Wrote: This has bugged me since i dumped my BIOS and was brought back up since i dumped my friends BIOS for him, On his computer for his use only in case it is brought up.
What are the other files dumped with the files for?
A quick search on google tells me that they might be used as firmware for the DVD drive or something like that, And maybe this is the missing piece needed for disk swapping to work properly. Of course this is a wild stab in the dark, But where else better to ask about PS2 files then the forums of a PS2 emulator?
While I was redumping my bios the other day(actually the one I had saved was from the console before this one. Same version, same everything, but I thought "Hey lets dump it again!" Really. I was bored.)
I recall the BIOS dumper actually said what some of them were for, but I wasn't paying too much attention. I know that some of them contain the dvd player. But then I got curious if any of the 512KB files were the PSX bios. It makes sense right? The PSX bios is 512kb. But, no, that's no the case. I found out the PSX bios is the first 512kb of the bin file(I think that is sometimes called rom0). It says "Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. PS compatible mode by M.T." if you open it in hex. However, it won't work with emulators because it only contains the kernel and not the memcard browser and cd player. Which I didn't figure out myself, but read it
Beyond that... I don't know.
Actually, just found this in the description for
Quote:Boot ROM The ROM chip containing the default IOP modules, the OSDSYS program, PlayStation driver and the self-test facility (On the SCPH-18000 and up).
This would be the bin file.
Quote:DVD ROM The ROM chip containing the DVD player, and the Chinese font on Chinese PlayStation 2 consoles. Newer consoles may have a single chip instead of a separate boot and DVD ROM chips. The SCPH-10000 and SCPH-15000, and all TEST, TOOL and PSX (DVR unit) units do not have a DVD ROM chip. Also known as DEV1.
I'm guessing based on that the rom1 and rom2 are both for the DVD system.
More googling produced that EROM stands for encrypted rom. Beyond that IDK. I found that little info
That leaves the NVM file, which I do remember what it said during the bios dumper. "Non volatile Memory" I'm not sure what it's for though. I could venture a guess but I'd likely be wrong.
My question is what is the file with extension MEC? When I redumped my bios, I cleared the whole directory. Next startup, PCSX2 says there is no mec file and it is creating a suitable one. I opened it in hex and it only contains hex characters "03 06 02 00" which is some characters I can't type.
Edit: Ironic
Reading another thread that is at the top of the board now and following the links to the "How to play online guide" which I read, it contains this at the bottom:
http://forums.pcsx2.net/Thread-How-To-Play-Online-Guide Wrote:...so when PCSX2 reads your BIOS it cannot find the NVM file (which you need for your MAC address)