(05-27-2015, 12:44 PM)gladiator Wrote: Since there are two Pal versions you can try the codes for your version and see if they work
RAW CODES: (PAL) (Multi-4) SLES-52480
Player 1 (Lancaster) 9999 LP
102DE35A 0000270F
Unlock All Cards
202177f8 3C035237
202177fc 34638B9C
20217800 AC830000
Player 2 (York) 0 LP - Player 1 always win
102DE6AA 00000000
End Match After First Move
201E0CF8 00000000
Infinite Summon Power Use
201E0DD4 00000000
Player 1 Unlimited LP
102DAEDA 0000270F
Maximum Summon Power
002DAEE1 0000000C
Player 2 0 LP
102DB22A 00000000
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLES_515.79;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.01
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = PAL
I'll take it I have the SLES51579 one. Is there a unlock all cards one for this game?
Plus which region should I put it in? My current list is USA versions, Europe, or Jap?
Current List:
Bios Found: Europe v01.60(04/10/2001) Console
Bios Found: Japan v01.00(17/01/2000) Console
Bios Found: Europe v02.00(14/06/2004) Console
Bios Found: USA v02.00(14/06/2004) Console
Bios Found: USA v02.00(14/06/2004) Console
Bios Found: USA v02.20(10/02/2006) Console
Bios Found: Japan v01.00(17/01/2000) Console
Bios Found: Europe v01.60(04/10/2001) Console
Bios Found: Europe v01.60(04/10/2001) Console
Bios Found: USA v01.60(07/02/2002) Console
I'm not asking where or how to download them, just wondering which one i need for this version of the game ?
I have the Disc in my CD/DVD slot, and I'm from Australia, if that helps any.

Plus how do i put those into my cheat folder? under what name, just put the code in as is? or do I need to convert it? As much help would be great haha noob here