PCSX shuts down after a few minutes of use
So I downloaded the newest version a few minutes ago, hoping that this problem has been fixed... But that is not the case.

So after about 15 minutes, an error message comes up saying that the program stopped responding and needs to close. Any idea how to fix this?

Thanks in advance.

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(06-05-2011, 08:11 PM)Maxim726X Wrote: So I downloaded the newest version a few minutes ago, hoping that this problem has been fixed... But that is not the case.

It would seem more likely that this is a problem on your end, and nothing that can be fixed by the devs.

To recieve help, you are going to have to provide more information.

PC spec?
PCSX2 settings?
Console log after the crash?
What game are you playing?
If I had to take a guess without seeing any of your specs, it sounds too me like an unstable overclock. If you are indeed overclocking your processor, try taking it down 1-200mhz or upping the voltage ever so slightly if you have enough cooling.
(06-05-2011, 09:51 PM)Rezard Wrote: It would seem more likely that this is a problem on your end, and nothing that can be fixed by the devs.

To recieve help, you are going to have to provide more information.

PC spec?
PCSX2 settings?
Console log after the crash?
What game are you playing?

Sorry, I should have given more information:

Windows 7
AMD Phenom 550 (4 cores unlocked, not overclocked though), 3.2 GHZ each core.
ATI Radeon 4670
4 gig ram

Playing Wizardry and BOF: Dragon Quarter. This new update is AMAZING, by the way... Everything is running smoothly at full speed with sound on basically every game I have tried (used to have trouble with BOF). Just need to make it more stable somehow.

(06-06-2011, 01:39 AM)Koji Wrote: If I had to take a guess without seeing any of your specs, it sounds too me like an unstable overclock. If you are indeed overclocking your processor, try taking it down 1-200mhz or upping the voltage ever so slightly if you have enough cooling.

Hmm... Would unlocking the 2 extra cores make it unstable? To my knowledge, I didn't overclock it any other way.
it can
Yes cores were originally disabled for a reason. Later on in the parts life you are more likely to get one that works fine that has been locked but even then those usually have drawbacks like higher power draw and thereby producing more heat. Likely one of the cores you enabled is broken somewhere.
(06-06-2011, 02:53 AM)dralor Wrote: Yes cores were originally disabled for a reason. Later on in the parts life you are more likely to get one that works fine that has been locked but even then those usually have drawbacks like higher power draw and thereby producing more heat. Likely one of the cores you enabled is broken somewhere.

That makes sense.

I probably wouldn't even see much of a decrease in performance if I turned it off again, would I?

Is there any way to monitor something like this? To see if maybe something is overheating?
There are temp probe programs some by motherboard manufacturers. You might see a Slight dip in overall multitasking performance but not likely for PCSX2. I'd say the best thing to do would be disable both cores you enabled to see if ti goes away. If so then try turning on the cores one by one. If one breaks it turn that one back off and try the other core on. So on and so forth...
Speed fan is good for monitoring CPU temps, as is Hardware Monitor (made by the same people as CPUID).

Running one of those and then running a program like PRIME95 (or Orthos, etc) on all your CPU cores will give you a good idea about stability.
(06-06-2011, 03:36 PM)Koji Wrote: Speed fan is good for monitoring CPU temps, as is Hardware Monitor (made by the same people as CPUID).

Running one of those and then running a program like PRIME95 (or Orthos, etc) on all your CPU cores will give you a good idea about stability.

So I took your advice and DL'ed PRIME95.

Been running a self-test for 5 hours, with all four cores. No errors yet... I have no idea what the hell is going on, but it seems that each core is passing whatever test this program has written for it.

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