PCSX2 0.9.8 Not Responding

Hello, guys. I need your help. Everytime I click 'Boot CDVD (Fast)' or (Full), -I'm using ISO by the way- The Log says 'Booting PS2 Bios' and there, I think it doesn't load. When I try to close the PCSX2, it won't close. And if I try to close it through Task Manager, it says not responding.

Help please? Thanks Laugh

[Image: NR.png]

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that may be simple, you may not have a good BIOS+^_^+ dump one from your PS2 and make sure it's in the right folder within PCSX2 labeled BIOS(either where you installed it or your documents folder) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9mRdhOFAhU +^_^+, if this doesn't work then we'll need to know more about your system specs and any non-default PCSX2 settings your using+^_^+
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No,just look carefully at the log,especially the GS part.
He is using the GSnull plugin and not getting picture is expected.

Switch to GSdx and try again
It says I need to update DirectX, so I did but
the log also says 'This CPU doesn't support SSE 4.01'

I already tried the other plugins,
Should I get new plugins?
Use the SSE2 version of GSdx(your CPU doesn't support the SSE4.1 version)
beaten by vsub

use gsdx ssse3
(04-19-2012, 06:08 AM)vsub Wrote: No,just look carefully at the log,especially the GS part.
He is using the GSnull plugin and not getting picture is expected.

Switch to GSdx and try again

yeah, i thought that and agree with you, could be that+^_^+, i went to mine, set it to gs null and it went through BIOS loading, cheats, and booted my game (no screen of course) and let me close easily, but then again i am using 5151+^_^+,
anyway at the top of the screen it seems stuck on the Loading BIOS so i thought maybe that was it+^_^+
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(04-19-2012, 06:18 AM)vsub Wrote: Use the SSE2 version of GSdx(your CPU doesn't support the SSE4.1 version)

But I already tried the other available plugins, it says the same thing as the SSE 4.1 version
If you REALLY tried a SSE2 version,there is no way you'll get such message.
Your CPU support SSE2 and when you really try SSE2 version(I don't know what are you trying),then it will work

And by "the same thing",do you mean about DirectX or that your CPU don't support SSE2?
Or do you mean something else
(04-19-2012, 06:31 AM)vsub Wrote: If you REALLY tried a SSE2 version,there is no way you'll get such message.
Your CPU support SSE2 and when you really try SSE2 version(I don't know what are you trying),then it will work

Oh wait, I'm sorry Laugh I taught I already finished updating the DirectX xD It's now working, Thanks Laugh

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