PCSX2 + Steam overlay
Hello !

I have no problem, everything works perfectly. But I just wanted to point out that PCSX2 works great with the overlay STEAMSmile

This is useful to follow a playthrough, guide, take screenshot or anything else and to discuss with his friends on SteamWink

Small screen to show, thank you to the teamSmile

Tales of the Abyss + steam overlay:

[Image: 13e1dc1b7c89dcd0c1e8bc9f1a5bett.jpg]

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nice to know it works xD
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

It sure is not the news of the century and it is not important, but it may be useful for some to know ^^

By the way, Tales of the Abyss works perfectly, 50 H game to the counter, no crash. Some slight rare ghost bug, resolve quickly with F9 Smile

It is quite useful, I've been doing that since r3800 or so.
don't complain if it reduces performance (the steam overlay is known to)
This is not the case, and it never was in any games for me (+ 100 games on steam that I play) Smile
Good for you

Its affected a number of Recent Games such as Deus Ex 3.

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