PCSX2 for Arch Linux
Do you have lib32-nvidia-utils installed? This package is the nvidia proprietary driver in 32 bit for 64 bit Arch. To use PCSX2 in Arch 64 bit with 'nvidia' package, you need this package.

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No, i don't have it..
It works! ^^


Unfortunatly emulation is slow and sound is bad, on any game, even on very first screen i can hear it. What can i do about it to make emulation faster? CPU still has free resources..
(01-06-2013, 11:12 AM)bagheera Wrote: Unfortunatly emulation is slow and sound is bad, on any game, even on very first screen i can hear it. What can i do about it to make emulation faster? CPU still has free resources..

What is your hardware specification?
intel i3, 4GB RAM, GTX460
ok. If your CPU had more than 2 cores I'd comment something, but I can't help you much on this topic. Maybe gregory can. But I suggest reading the config guide - you might find something in there.
Did a basic menu is slow as well? Maybe you set too much extra thread (must be 0 for GSdx) or speedhack.
Well, it's time to buy real hardware.
Hi everyone, thank you for the awsesome work !

Today was my second day on Arch and I tried to get PCSX2 working. After installing everything mentioned, I launched a game and got this error :

libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast

I then installed lib32-nvidia-utils, it was in conflict with with libGL so I removed it.

Now everything works fine ! shouldn't you add lib32-nvidia-utils to the dependance list ? or is there something I don't understand ?

Best regards
(02-04-2013, 01:12 AM)KingOfFreeMen Wrote: Now everything works fine ! shouldn't you add lib32-nvidia-utils to the dependance list ? or is there something I don't understand ?

It should be in the depends list, indeed. However, I don't have an easy way to add all lib32-* possible video cards drivers in dependency list and, the problem is, I must not add one driver specifically or I'd be cause issues to users of other driver.
For instance, If I add lib32-nvidia-utils to depends, I'll create a dependency problem for the users that have an ATI graphics card that should have lib32-catalyst-tools. And it goes on between some different drivers.

Im having trouble with GTK versioning. When attempting to build the lib32-wxgtk package. (Im on a x86_64 platform)

I get the following error:
checking for GTK+ - version >= 2.0.0...
*** 'pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0' returned 2.24.15, but GTK+ (2.24.14)
*** was found! If pkg-config was correct, then it is best
*** to remove the old version of GTK+. You may also be able to fix the error
*** by modifying your LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviroment variable, or by editing
*** /etc/ld.so.conf. Make sure you have run ldconfig if that is
*** required on your system.
*** If pkg-config was wrong, set the environment variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH
*** to point to the correct configuration files
configure: error:
The development files for GTK+ were not found. For GTK+ 2, please
ensure that pkg-config is in the path and that gtk+-2.0.pc is
installed. For GTK+ 1.2 please check that gtk-config is in the path,
and that the version is 1.2.3 or above. Also check that the
libraries returned by 'pkg-config gtk+-2.0 --libs' or 'gtk-config
--libs' are in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or equivalent.

From a quick look I have the two following packages conflicting
extra/gtk2 2.24.15-1
multilib/gtk2 2.24.14-1

As far as I can tell here in lies the problem, the multilib package is conflicting. Ive attempted changing LD_LIBRARY_PATH to both:

To no avail.

Thanks for any help offered in advanced!!

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