PNACH Cheats not working on PC (But works on Ste4amDeck)

I've tried all nights and was starting to think this is impossible that every single game that I am trying to add cheats for, simply do not work.

I noticed recently that the emulator (nightly build/auto update) will no longer boot my official Action Replay disc either.

So after trying many games tonight I turned my SteamDeck on after trying Devil May Cry and on my PC no cheats were working, tested on my SteamDeck and cheats are working.

I compared both PNACH files and even though they were identical, I simply downloaded my PNACH file from my SteamDeck and placed it into my PCSX2's cheat directory which is D:\EMULATORS\PCSX Nightly\cheats and still no cheats will work.

As you can see my installation directory(left), My cheat folder directory (within the emulator), My SteamDeck cheat directory (FileZilla), the PNACH cheat file saved into my PC's cheat folder (left PNACH file) and my SteamDeck PNACH file ((right PNACH file).

[Image: attachment.php?aid=77381]

Has something been altered in the past few months (6 months or so), because I never had any issues with PNACH files and also my Action Replay disc, which I preferred as it worked 100% and unlike PNACH files, you could toggle the cheats on/off that you wanted to use and PNACH files seem to be restricted and doesn't support all code types.

I also recently saw (not sure if it has always been here, but enabled Debug settings) and PCSX2 has the ability to scan memory and able to find addresses (as such), could this be worked on to impliment an actual cheat code/search system as other emulators all tend to have (even PS3 emulator no offence has a better means of handling cheat codes).

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

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If you using the latest nightly build, you need to edit your PNACH file:
[Image: cGzK8nC.gif]
It should work, can you post an emulog file after running your game? you will need to enable it under tools->enable file logging.

if you could upload the patch also.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]


So I have edited one of my cheat files, enabkled them in the games properties/cheqats section and they dont seem to be working (again, cheats working fine on my SteamDeck).

I have attached screenshot of the emulator, attached my PNACH file and my emu log file.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=77382]

gametitle=Devil May Cry (PAL-E)
comment=File generated by

[Cheats\Infinite Health]

[Cheats\Infinite Devil Trigger]

[Cheats\Always 0 Saves]

[Cheats\Max Red Orbs At End Stage]

[Cheats\Infinite Red Orbs]

[Cheats\Infinite Yellow Orbs]

[Cheats\Always 3 Blue Orbs]

[Cheats\Attack Rank Never Resets]

Adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060' not found.
(DynamicLibrary) Loading avutil-56.dll failed: 126
(DynamicLibrary) Loading avutil-56.dll failed: 126
Opening CDVD...
isoFile open ok: F:\ROMs_ISOs\PS2 ISOs\Devil May Cry\Devil May Cry.iso
Image type  = DVD
* CDVD Disk Open: DVD, Single layer or unknown:
* * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (2294320 sectors)
Opening GS...
Adapter 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060' not found.
D3D Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
Creating a 1920x1080 exclusive fullscreen swap chain
D3D11 Graphics Driver Info:
VID: 0x10DE PID: 0x1B80
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
Driver Version:
Opening SPU2...
Initializing SndBuffer at sample rate of 48000...
(Cubeb) 4 speaker expansion enabled [quadraphenia]
(Cubeb) Minimum latency: 10.00 ms (480 audio frames)
Opening PAD...
Opening DEV9...
DEV9: Socket: Failed to Get Adapter
DEV9: Failed to GetNetAdapter()
Opening USB...
Opening FW...
McdSlot 0 [File]: D:\EMULATORS\PCSX Nightly\memcards\Mcd001.ps2
McdSlot 1 [File]: D:\EMULATORS\PCSX Nightly\memcards\PS2 8MB MEMORY CARD 2.ps2
EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
Vsync is OFF
... with user configured refresh rate: 60.00 Hz
Bios Found: Europe  v02.00(14/06/2004)  Console 20040614-100914
VM subsystems initialized in 849.48 ms
Game Changed:
  Name: Booting PS2 BIOS...
  Serial: 20040614-100914
  CRC: 00000000
Applying settings...
OSD [ChallengeDisableCheats]: Cheats have been disabled due to achievements hardcore mode.
Updating CPU configuration...
EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
DEV9: Socket: Failed to Get Adapter
DEV9: Failed to GetNetAdapter()
Updating GS configuration...
Vsync is OFF
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLES_503.58;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.02
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = PAL
found 18026 symbols
ELF (cdrom0:\SLES_503.58;1) Game CRC = 0x7D8F539A, EntryPoint = 0x00100008
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLES_503.58;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.02
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = PAL
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to DVD PAL.
Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to
273070  D8E80000 lqc2 vf08, 0x  0(a3)
273074  D8C40000 lqc2 vf04, 0x  0(a2)
273078  D8C50010 lqc2 vf05, 0x  10(a2)
27307c  D8C60020 lqc2 vf06, 0x  20(a2)
273080  D8C70030 lqc2 vf07, 0x  30(a2)
273084  D8890000 lqc2 vf09, 0x  0(a0)
273088  D8AA0000 lqc2 vf10, 0x  0(a1)
27308c  D88B0000 lqc2 vf11, 0x  0(a0)
273090  D8AC0000 lqc2 vf12, 0x  0(a1)
273094  4BE821BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf04,vf08x
273098  4BE828BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf05,vf08y
27309c  4BE830BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf06,vf08z
2730a0  4BE83A0B vmaddw.xyzw vf08, vf07, vf08w
2730a4  4BC84ADB vf11,vf09,vf08w
2730a8  4BC8531B vf12,vf10,vf08w
2730ac  4A0002FF vnop
2730b0  4A0002FF vnop
2730b4  48C08000 ctc2 zero, Status
2730b8  4BAB42EC vsub.xyw vf11, vf08, vf11
2730bc *4BA8632C vsub.xyw vf12, vf12, vf08
2730c0  4A2B4B3C vmove.w, vf11, vf09
2730c4  4A2C533C vmove.w, vf12, vf10
2730c8  4A0002FF vnop
2730cc  20E70010 addi a3, a3, 0x0010
2730d0  D8E80000 lqc2 vf08, 0x  0(a3)
2730d4  2108FFFF addi t0, t0, 0xFFFF
2730d8 =48428000 cfc2 v0, Status
2730dc  304200C0 andi v0,v0, 0x00C0
2730e0  10400004 beq v0, zero, ->$0x002730F4
2730e4  00000000 nop
Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to
273094  4BE821BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf04,vf08x
273098  4BE828BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf05,vf08y
27309c  4BE830BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf06,vf08z
2730a0  4BE83A0B vmaddw.xyzw vf08, vf07, vf08w
2730a4  4BC84ADB vf11,vf09,vf08w
2730a8  4BC8531B vf12,vf10,vf08w
2730ac  4A0002FF vnop
2730b0  4A0002FF vnop
2730b4  48C08000 ctc2 zero, Status
2730b8  4BAB42EC vsub.xyw vf11, vf08, vf11
2730bc *4BA8632C vsub.xyw vf12, vf12, vf08
2730c0  4A2B4B3C vmove.w, vf11, vf09
2730c4  4A2C533C vmove.w, vf12, vf10
2730c8  4A0002FF vnop
2730cc  20E70010 addi a3, a3, 0x0010
2730d0  D8E80000 lqc2 vf08, 0x  0(a3)
2730d4  2108FFFF addi t0, t0, 0xFFFF
2730d8 =48428000 cfc2 v0, Status
2730dc  304200C0 andi v0,v0, 0x00C0
2730e0  10400004 beq v0, zero, ->$0x002730F4
2730e4  00000000 nop
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLES_503.58;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.02
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = PAL
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLES_503.58;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.02
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = PAL
OSD [MemoryCardSave0]: Memory card 'Mcd001.ps2' was saved to storage.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to DVD PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to DVD PAL.
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLES_503.58;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.02
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = PAL
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLES_503.58;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.02
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = PAL
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to DVD PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to DVD PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to DVD PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to DVD PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLES_503.58;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.02
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = PAL
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLES_503.58;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.02
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = PAL
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLES_503.58;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.02
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = PAL
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
Elf entry point @ 0x00100008 about to get recompiled. Load patches first.
[GameDB] Searching for patch with CRC '7D8F539A'
[GameDB] No CRC-specific patch or default patch found
Found 1 game patches in SLES-50358_7D8F539A.pnach.
Game Changed:
  Name: Devil May Cry
  Serial: SLES-50358
  CRC: 7D8F539A
Loading game settings from 'D:\EMULATORS\PCSX Nightly\gamesettings\SLES-50358_7D8F539A.ini'...
Enabled patch: Widescreen 16:9
OSD [LoadPatches]: 1 game patches are active.
Applying settings...
OSD [ChallengeDisableCheats]: Cheats have been disabled due to achievements hardcore mode.
[GameDB] Enabled GS Hardware Fix: disablePartialInvalidation to [mode=1]
DEV9: Socket: Failed to Get Adapter
DEV9: Failed to GetNetAdapter()
Updating GS configuration...
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
Vsync is OFF
Hash for 'SLES_503.58' (6769316 bytes, 6769316 bytes hashed): 64ebf05e8c864a913a4350d835a93204
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
Server returned GameID 0
Read Abort
Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to
1da800  4BF949BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf09,vf25x
1da804  4BF950BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf10,vf25y
1da808  4BF958BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf11,vf25z
1da80c  4BE0670B vmaddw.xyzw vf28, vf12, vf00w
1da810  4BDCE1FF vclip vf28xyz, vf28w
1da814  4BFA49BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf09,vf26x
1da818  4BFA50BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf10,vf26y
1da81c  4BFA58BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf11,vf26z
1da820  4BE0674B vmaddw.xyzw vf29, vf12, vf00w
1da824  4BDDE9FF vclip vf29xyz, vf29w
1da828  4BFB49BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf09,vf27x
1da82c  4BFB50BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf10,vf27y
1da830  4BFB58BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf11,vf27z
1da834  4BE0670B vmaddw.xyzw vf28, vf12, vf00w
1da838  4BDCE1FF vclip vf28xyz, vf28w
1da83c  4BF969BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf13,vf25x
1da840  4BF970BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf14,vf25y
1da844  4BF978BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf15,vf25z
1da848  4BE0864B vmaddw.xyzw vf25, vf16, vf00w
1da84c *4BD9C9FF vclip vf25xyz, vf25w
1da850 =48429000 cfc2 v0, ClipFlag
1da854  03E00008 jr ->ra
1da858  00000000 nop
Read Abort
Read Abort
Creating a 1920x907 flip-discard windowed swap chain
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
Creating a 1920x1080 exclusive fullscreen swap chain
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
Creating a 1920x907 flip-discard windowed swap chain
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
Creating a 1920x1080 exclusive fullscreen swap chain
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(VMManager) Pausing...
Creating a 640x480 flip-discard windowed swap chain
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
Creating a 1920x1080 exclusive fullscreen swap chain
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(VMManager) Resuming...
Creating a 1920x907 flip-discard windowed swap chain
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to PAL.
(VMManager) Pausing...
Add 132 seconds play time to SLES-50358 -> now 306
XInput controller 0 disconnected.
Releasing host memory for virtual systems...

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.txt   emulog.txt (Size: 8,43 KB / Downloads: 83)
.pnach   7D8F539A.pnach (Size: 658 bytes / Downloads: 91)
Ok so now I disabled using cheats and any patches and Devil May Cry now crashes during certain cut scenes, I then tested Call of Duty 3 which would freeze during cut scenes, then I tried Blood Rayne 2 and it also had issues when it came to rendered movies.

Prior to tonights auto update everything was working fine, only issues I had was using PNACH files (which using the old format would atu-enable the cheats, but they still didnt work).

Now completely lost I set everything to the Default/Recommended settings and still games will crash/freeze during movies.

I noticed my error by the way prior to this post, under the Achievements setting, Hardcore Mode for some reason was enabled. So I disabled Acheivments alltogether and unfortunately even using the new PNACH format, cheats would not work.

It is really puzzling me because I also use Nightly build on my SteamDeck which will download the nightly build if I run the emulator. As I use Rom Manager its not that often that I need to run the emulator as it adds all my games into Steam Libriary. But I did notice very late last night that my cheats for Fight Night Round 3 was not working, but I can't remember what I did to get them to work again as I had 1 Litre of vodka by then. What I do know is that I didnt have to edit the PNACH into the new format as I have just become aware of this.

I am wondering what the heck is going on, the Emulator is set up exactly the same as it is on my SteamDeck and it has no issues running games (though I havent updated my SteamDeck PCSX2 to the latest nightly build).

But I also noticed few months back that my Action Replay cheat disc (official, not a rip/ISO) stopped working. I used to have it in my disc drive then select boot disc. it would then load Action Replay Max up and then I would use the Change Disc/From Game List option to select my game, then the emulator would act like I have ejected my Action Replay Max disc and inserted my game disc and the Action Replay Max would start scanning the disc to then load up the cheats for my game, select my cheats and boot game and it would boot my game and the selected cheats active.

Now it won't do this since an update some while back, when booting your game, you just get a black screen.

I prefered using my Action Replay Max disc as it was far easier to use and activate cheats than having to make PNACH files, which certain code types would not work or games like Metal Gear Solid 2 became a pain as most of the useful cheats wouldnt work, meanwhile my Action Replay disc had no problems at all

The one issue the emulator had with Action Replay Max was that it for some reason wouldnt pick up your memory card so you could save your settings, selected cheat lists or add new games/cheats.... well you could, but it wouldnt save to your memory card. But once you loaded up your game, you were able to use your memory cards to Save/Load game saves.

new emulog:
PCSX2 Nightly - v1.7.4583 Compiled on Jun 15 2023
Savestate version: 0x9a360000

Host Machine Init:
    Operating System =  Microsoft Windows 10+
    Physical RAM     =  32680 MB
    CPU name         =  Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz
    Vendor/Model     =  GenuineIntel (stepping 03)
    CPU speed        =  4.007 ghz (8 logical threads)
    x86PType         =  Standard OEM
    x86Flags         =  bfebfbff 7ffafbbf
    x86EFlags        =  2c100800

x86 Features Detected:
    AVX AVX2

Reserving memory for recompilers...
    Fastmem area: 0000021C5BC90000 - 0000021D5BC8FFFF
XInput controller 0 connected.
(SDLInputSource) Controller 0 inserted
(SDLInputSource) Opened game controller 0 (instance id 0, player id 0): XInput Controller
(SDLInputSource) Rumble is supported on 'XInput Controller' via gamecontroller
(SDLInputSource) Controller 1 inserted
(SDLInputSource) Opened game controller 1 (instance id 1, player id 1): Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver for Windows
(SDLInputSource) Rumble is supported on 'Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver for Windows' via gamecontroller
Scanning G:\ROMs_ISOs\PS2 ISOs
Scanning F:\ROMs_ISOs\PS2 ISOs (recursively)
isoFile open ok: F:\ROMs_ISOs\PS2 ISOs\Operation Winback\Operation WinBack Track 2.bin
    Image type  = Audio CD
* CDVD Disk Open: CD, 1 tracks (1 to 1):
* * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (15445 sectors)
(IsoFS) Invalid partition descriptor encountered at block 0x10: ''
(IsoFS) Invalid partition descriptor encountered at block 0x10: ''
Current version: v1.7.4583
Latest SHA: v1.7.4583
Last Checked SHA:
No update needed.
Opening CDVD...
isoFile open ok: F:\ROMs_ISOs\PS2 ISOs\007 - From Russia with Love\007 - From Russia with Love.iso
    Image type  = DVD
* CDVD Disk Open: DVD, Single layer or unknown:
* * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (2265488 sectors)
Opening GS...
GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
4 vulkan queue families
VK_EXT_provoking_vertex is supported
VK_EXT_line_rasterization is supported
VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps is supported
VK_EXT_rasterization_order_attachment_access is NOT supported
Read 132 entries from 'D:\EMULATORS\PCSX Nightly\cache\vulkan_shaders.idx'
Vulkan Graphics Driver Info:
    Driver 531.272.0
    Vulkan 1.3.236
    Conformance Version
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
Opening SPU2...
Initializing SndBuffer at sample rate of 48000...
(Cubeb) Using normal 2 speaker stereo output.
(Cubeb) Minimum latency: 10.00 ms (480 audio frames)
Opening PAD...
Opening DEV9...
Opening USB...
Opening FW...
McdSlot 0 [File]: D:\EMULATORS\PCSX Nightly\memcards\Mcd001.ps2
McdSlot 1 [File]: D:\EMULATORS\PCSX Nightly\memcards\PS2 8MB MEMORY CARD 2.ps2
EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
Vsync is OFF
Refresh rate: Host=143.980987hz Guest=60.000000hz Ratio=2.399683 - can't sync and using sleep for pacing
    Bios Found: Europe  v02.00(14/06/2004)  Console 20040614-100914
Refresh rate: Host=143.980987hz Guest=60.000000hz Ratio=2.399683 - can't sync and using sleep for pacing
VM subsystems initialized in 889.14 ms
Game Changed:
  Name: Booting PS2 BIOS...
  Serial: 20040614-100914
  CRC: 00000000
[GameDB] Has not been initialized yet, initializing...
[GameDB] 11469 games on record (loaded in 30.87ms)
Applying settings...
[Unsafe Settings] Frame rate for NTSC is not default. This may break some games.
[Unsafe Settings]
OSD [unsafe_settings_warning]:  Frame rate for NTSC is not default. This may break some games.
 Frame rate for PAL is not default. This may break some games.
Processor count: 4 cores, 8 processors
Cluster count: 1
Ordered processor list: 0, 2, 4, 6, 1[SMT 1], 3[SMT 1], 5[SMT 1], 7[SMT 1]
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLES_535.53;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.00
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = PAL
ELF (cdrom0:\SLES_535.53;1) Game CRC = 0x22DC8EAC, EntryPoint = 0x00110008
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLES_535.53;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.00
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = PAL
Refresh rate: Host=143.980987hz Guest=60.000000hz Ratio=2.399683 - can't sync and using sleep for pacing
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to DVD PAL.
    ... with user configured refresh rate: 60.00 Hz
Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to
273070  D8E80000 lqc2    vf08, 0x   0(a3)
273074  D8C40000 lqc2    vf04, 0x   0(a2)
273078  D8C50010 lqc2    vf05, 0x  10(a2)
27307c  D8C60020 lqc2    vf06, 0x  20(a2)
273080  D8C70030 lqc2    vf07, 0x  30(a2)
273084  D8890000 lqc2    vf09, 0x   0(a0)
273088  D8AA0000 lqc2    vf10, 0x   0(a1)
27308c  D88B0000 lqc2    vf11, 0x   0(a0)
273090  D8AC0000 lqc2    vf12, 0x   0(a1)
273094  4BE821BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf04,vf08x
273098  4BE828BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf05,vf08y
27309c  4BE830BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf06,vf08z
2730a0  4BE83A0B vmaddw.xyzw vf08, vf07, vf08w
2730a4  4BC84ADB vf11,vf09,vf08w
2730a8  4BC8531B vf12,vf10,vf08w
2730ac  4A0002FF vnop
2730b0  4A0002FF vnop
2730b4  48C08000 ctc2    zero, Status
2730b8  4BAB42EC vsub.xyw vf11, vf08, vf11
2730bc *4BA8632C vsub.xyw vf12, vf12, vf08
2730c0  4A2B4B3C vmove.w, vf11, vf09
2730c4  4A2C533C vmove.w, vf12, vf10
2730c8  4A0002FF vnop
2730cc  20E70010 addi    a3, a3, 0x0010
2730d0  D8E80000 lqc2    vf08, 0x   0(a3)
2730d4  2108FFFF addi    t0, t0, 0xFFFF
2730d8 =48428000 cfc2    v0, Status
2730dc  304200C0 andi    v0,v0, 0x00C0
2730e0  10400004 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002730F4
2730e4  00000000 nop
Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to
273094  4BE821BC vmulax.xyzw ACC,vf04,vf08x
273098  4BE828BD vmadday.xyzw ACC,vf05,vf08y
27309c  4BE830BE vmaddaz.xyzw ACC,vf06,vf08z
2730a0  4BE83A0B vmaddw.xyzw vf08, vf07, vf08w
2730a4  4BC84ADB vf11,vf09,vf08w
2730a8  4BC8531B vf12,vf10,vf08w
2730ac  4A0002FF vnop
2730b0  4A0002FF vnop
2730b4  48C08000 ctc2    zero, Status
2730b8  4BAB42EC vsub.xyw vf11, vf08, vf11
2730bc *4BA8632C vsub.xyw vf12, vf12, vf08
2730c0  4A2B4B3C vmove.w, vf11, vf09
2730c4  4A2C533C vmove.w, vf12, vf10
2730c8  4A0002FF vnop
2730cc  20E70010 addi    a3, a3, 0x0010
2730d0  D8E80000 lqc2    vf08, 0x   0(a3)
2730d4  2108FFFF addi    t0, t0, 0xFFFF
2730d8 =48428000 cfc2    v0, Status
2730dc  304200C0 andi    v0,v0, 0x00C0
2730e0  10400004 beq    v0, zero, ->$0x002730F4
2730e4  00000000 nop
Refresh rate: Host=143.980987hz Guest=60.000000hz Ratio=2.399683 - can't sync and using sleep for pacing
(UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to DVD PAL.
    ... with user configured refresh rate: 60.00 Hz
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLES_535.53;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.00
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = PAL
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLES_535.53;1
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.00
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = PAL
OSD [MemoryCardSave0]: Memory card 'Mcd001.ps2' was saved to storage.
(VMManager) Pausing...
XInput controller 0 disconnected.
(SDLInputSource) Controller 1 removed
(SDLInputSource) Joystick 1 removed
(SDLInputSource) Controller 0 removed
(SDLInputSource) Joystick 0 removed
Skipping updating pipeline cache 'D:\EMULATORS\PCSX Nightly\cache\vulkan_pipelines.bin' due to no changes.
Releasing host memory for virtual systems...
You can try these pnach with the new format:

[Cheats/Open all Game Modes]

[Cheats/Infinite Health]

[Cheats/Infinite Devil Trigger]

[Cheats/Always 0 Saves]

[Cheats/Max Red Orbs At End Stage]

[Cheats/Stop Countdown Timer]

[Cheats/Infinite Red Orbs]

[Cheats/Infinite Yellow Orbs]

[Cheats/Always 3 Blue Orbs]

[Cheats/Master All Moves]

[Cheats/Beer Goggles]

[Cheats/Clear Vision Underwater]

Attached Files
.pnach   7D8F539A - Devil May Cry SLES-50358.pnach (Size: 853 bytes / Downloads: 70)
(06-16-2023, 09:29 AM)gladiator Wrote: You can try these pnach with the new format:

[Cheats/Open all Game Modes]

[Cheats/Infinite Health]

[Cheats/Infinite Devil Trigger]

[Cheats/Always 0 Saves]

[Cheats/Max Red Orbs At End Stage]

[Cheats/Stop Countdown Timer]

[Cheats/Infinite Red Orbs]

[Cheats/Infinite Yellow Orbs]

[Cheats/Always 3 Blue Orbs]

[Cheats/Master All Moves]

[Cheats/Beer Goggles]

[Cheats/Clear Vision Underwater]

Thanks Ill give these a try.

Though I have just noticed now on my SteamDeck and PC I have just added some cheats for True Crime Streets of LA and when the game boots up it says 13 cheats active, then later I get a pop up saying no patches or cheats can be found no cheats active.

I have my pnach file saved in my cheats folder, I have checked cheats are enabled, I have checked the folder directory is pointing to the same folder that my pnach file is saved to and in Game Properties under cheats I have the cheats ticked (enabled).

gametitle=True Crime - Streets of L.A. (PAL-Uk)
comment=File generated by

[Cheats/Disable Car Damage]
author= CodeJunkies

[Cheats/Infinite Health]
author= CodeJunkies

[Cheats/Infinite Ammo]
author= CodeJunkies

[Cheat/Never Reload]
author= CodeJunkies

[Cheats/All Weapons & Upgrades]
author= CodeJunkies

[Cheats/All Cars In Inpound]
author= CodeJunkies

[Cheats/Infinite Time - Timed Missions]
author= CodeJunkies

[Cheats/x10 Enemy Damage Multiplier]
author= CodeJunkies

[Cheats/Never Do A Bad Deed]
author= CodeJunkies

[Cheats/1 Shot Kill]
author= CodeJunkies

[Cheats/No Defeats]
author= CodeJunkies

[Cheats/No Hits Received]
author= CodeJunkies

[Cheats/Press L3 For Disable Mission Time - R3 To Stop The Code]
author= CodeJunkies

Originally I had them typed as [Cheats\CHEAT NAME] until I saw your post where it was / rather than \, all this seemed to do was display the everything within the [ ] rather than a category.


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