PS2 Intro Sound/Texture/GFX assets
Hey guys I'm just wondering if anyone has any info on where in the PS2 Bios the intro sounds/graphics are stored like those cubes.

I unpacked the BIOS of my PS2 which was a collection of ELF functions
7F 45 4C 46 signature just split the files up and looking through the strings I see like


etc anyone have a clue? I thought it would be cool to get these assets out and remake the intro in unreal or something.


Found some more interesting stuff inside of the BIOS one of the elfs
t:00200258 sub_200258:                              # CODE XREF: sub_2003D0+60p
.text:00200258 var_20          = -0x20
.text:00200258 var_10          = -0x10
.text:00200258                 addiu   $sp, -0x20
.text:0020025C                 sd      $s0, 0x20+var_20($sp)
.text:00200260                 sd      $ra, 0x20+var_10($sp)
.text:00200264                 jal     sub_214280
.text:00200268                 lui     $s0, 0x28
.text:0020026C                 jal     sub_214310
.text:00200270                 lui     $a0, 1
.text:00200274                 bgez    $v0, loc_200284
.text:00200278                 sw      $v0, dword_287828
.text:0020027C                 b       loc_2003BC
.text:00200280                 li      $v0, 0xFFFFFFFF
.text:00200284  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00200284 loc_200284:                              # CODE XREF: sub_200258+1Cj
.text:00200284                 lui     $a0, 0x22
.text:00200288                 lui     $a3, 5
.text:0020028C                 la      $a0, unk_221A80
.text:00200290                 move    $a1, $v0
.text:00200294                 li      $a2, 0x5010
.text:00200298                 li      $a3, 0x56F10
.text:0020029C                 jal     sub_200130
.text:002002A0                 lui     $t0, 1
.text:002002A4                 lui     $a0, 0x28
.text:002002A8                 lw      $a1, (dword_287828 - 0x280000)($s0)
.text:002002AC                 lui     $a2, 8
.text:002002B0                 la      $a0, unk_279A40
.text:002002B4                 li      $a2, 0x85010
.text:002002B8                 li      $a3, 0xD480
.text:002002BC                 jal     sub_200130
.text:002002C0                 lui     $t0, 1
.text:002002C4                 lui     $a0, 0x22
.text:002002C8                 lw      $a1, (dword_287828 - 0x280000)($s0)
.text:002002CC                 la      $a0, unk_221580
.text:002002D0                 jal     sub_2000C0
.text:002002D4                 li      $a2, 0x4CA
.text:002002D8                 lw      $a1, (dword_287828 - 0x280000)($s0)
.text:002002DC                 la      $a0, byte_2789C0
.text:002002E4                 li      $a2, 0x1CC
.text:002002E8                 jal     sub_2000C0
.text:002002EC                 addiu   $a1, 0x1000
.text:002002F0                 lw      $a1, (dword_287828 - 0x280000)($s0)
.text:002002F4                 la      $a0, unk_278BC0
.text:002002FC                 li      $a2, 0x1A2
.text:00200300                 jal     sub_2000C0
.text:00200304                 addiu   $a1, 0x2000
.text:00200308                 lw      $a1, (dword_287828 - 0x280000)($s0)
.text:0020030C                 la      $a0, unk_278D80
.text:00200314                 li      $a2, 0x64C
.text:00200318                 jal     sub_2000C0
.text:0020031C                 addiu   $a1, 0x3000
.text:00200320                 lw      $a1, (dword_287828 - 0x280000)($s0)
.text:00200324                 la      $a0, unk_279400
.text:0020032C                 li      $a2, 0x130
.text:00200330                 jal     sub_2000C0
.text:00200334                 addiu   $a1, 0x4000
.text:00200338                 lw      $a1, (dword_287828 - 0x280000)($s0)
.text:0020033C                 la      $a0, unk_279540
.text:00200344                 li      $a2, 0x130
.text:00200348                 jal     sub_2000C0
.text:0020034C                 addiu   $a1, 0x5000
.text:00200350                 lw      $a1, (dword_287828 - 0x280000)($s0)
.text:00200354                 la      $a0, unk_286EC0
.text:0020035C                 li      $a2, 0x130
.text:00200360                 jal     sub_2000C0
.text:00200364                 addiu   $a1, 0x7000
.text:00200368                 lw      $v1, (dword_287828 - 0x280000)($s0)
.text:0020036C                 lui     $a0, 0x28
.text:00200370                 li      $a1, 0x8000
.text:00200374                 la      $a0, unk_287000
.text:00200378                 addu    $a1, $v1, $a1
.text:0020037C                 jal     sub_2000C0
.text:00200380                 li      $a2, 0x64D
.text:00200384                 lw      $v1, (dword_287828 - 0x280000)($s0)
.text:00200388                 lui     $a0, 0x28
.text:0020038C                 li      $a1, 0x9000
.text:00200390                 la      $a0, unk_287680
.text:00200394                 addu    $a1, $v1, $a1
.text:00200398                 jal     sub_2000C0
.text:0020039C                 li      $a2, 0x1A2
.text:002003A0                 lw      $a1, (dword_287828 - 0x280000)($s0)
.text:002003A4                 la      $a0, unk_279680
.text:002003AC                 li      $a2, 0x3A0
.text:002003B0                 jal     sub_2000C0
.text:002003B4                 addiu   $a1, 0x6000
.text:002003B8                 move    $v0, $zero
.text:002003BC loc_2003BC:                              # CODE XREF: sub_200258+24j
.text:002003BC                 ld      $ra, 0x20+var_10($sp)
.text:002003C0                 ld      $s0, 0x20+var_20($sp)
.text:002003C4                 jr      $ra
.text:002003C8                 addiu   $sp, 0x20
.text:002003C8  # End of function sub_200258

Seems to be the function that loads the audio.

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(04-01-2015, 12:24 PM)cra0 Wrote: Hey guys I'm just wondering if anyone has any info on where in the PS2 Bios the intro sounds/graphics are stored like those cubes.

I unpacked the BIOS of my PS2 which was a collection of ELF functions
7F 45 4C 46 signature just split the files up and looking through the strings I see like


etc anyone have a clue? I thought it would be cool to get these assets out and remake the intro in unreal or something.

I don't think anyone on this forum would know the format of... well anything in the PS2 BIOS.

Hate to say it, but your best bet would be to try the Xentax forums, no disrespect to anyone here.
Moe: [to Homer] And I'm pulling your favorite song out of the jukebox.
Homer: "It's Raining Men"?!
Moe: Yeah, not no more, it ain't. [throws the record out the window which lands into Smithers' car]
Smithers: Ow! [looks at the record] Ohhh.

what would ;e; do

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