Per game settings
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to use the per game settings option, but this does not seem to work...

First of all, I suppose this is usually used through the "game properties" menu from the pause menu.
I can see that menu from the pause menu, but nothing happens when I click on it, so I can't get into the menu.

So I tried to do it manually, but it does not seem to work neither.
I've read somewhere that the overlay settings file should be named "GAME-CODE_CRC.ini" and placed in the gamesettings folder, so I did create a file for one of my games (GAME-CODE and CRC data can be grabbed in the bottom right corner of the pause menu), but the settings I did put in it (input overlay) are not taken into account...

Am I doing somthing wrong or is this feature not available in my context ?

I'm on ubuntu 23.04 with an Intel 12th gen CPU using PCSX2 1.7.0 binary installed from the pcsx2-team PPA repo.


Edit: Oops, wrong title sorry.

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