Persona 3 And 4 - Certain enemies groups slow down game
All right, i also encountered this issue. With no speedhacks on i5-3470, on software and hardware-highres framerate drops from 60 to 35 when you battle those pearly beetles in the 6th block of Tartarus. On hardware-native it's better, it only drops to 55fps. Can someone explain how does that work, since neither my CPU or GPU are anywhere close to 100% load on those particular scenes ?

Those beetles is the only thing in the game up to this point (which is pretty much at the end) where i encountered slowdown. I see people also mention a particular boss, but i havent seen any boss-related slowdowns.

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From my understanding, it just doesn't translate well to DirectX calls... there is no fix for it. Memory bandwidth is what's going to be stressed in these circumstances. If your GPU is bandwidth starved, it's not going to have a high GPU usage % as your GPU literally has nothing to do while it waits for some data to get to it.
I skimmed through this thread last night, because after having these slowdowns during fights in P3, it got even worse in P4.

Almost all battles in P4 felt like being in 50 or even 30% speed, all the while running in constant 60fps.

So just now I disabled the VU Cycle Stealing. Works perfect now.

I'm not sure this solution has been mentioned in this thread, maybe the whole problem was a different one, just wanted to share this just in case Wink

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