Persona 4 .pnach help
(04-30-2014, 09:44 PM)KeyToTruth12 Wrote: Emulog please.
Post it after you load the game with the cheats.

emulog? What is that/

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(04-30-2014, 10:02 PM)coragg0 Wrote: emulog? What is that/

Located in Libraries/Documents/PCSX2/logs/emulog.txt
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Okay. I will post that that as soon as I get the chance.
Well here is my emulog.

Attached Files
.txt   emuLog.txt (Size: 12,69 KB / Downloads: 837)
(05-01-2014, 12:20 AM)coragg0 Wrote: Well here is my emulog.

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Quote:Overall 0 Cheats loaded

Either your pnach file is not in the right folder or is not properly formated or you have not enabled cheats at all.

Which localization/program language do you use? English?

There were some problems in the translations of Enable Cheats and Enable Widescreen Hacks. I think one of these items was missing in some languages and I don't know if this problem was solved. If you are using a different language than English for pcsx2 I would try to set it to English and check for the enabling cheats item again.
"Overall 0 Cheats loaded"

That message shows the pnach was found but there is no active cheat. That could mean you put // in all lines... or

Alternatively, if you changed the file shown on the page 1 (in the link) to include any non ASCII character, like national special characters that would confuse the parser. Best solution, remove them.

Finally... if the above failed, the explanation could be the less than blessed C:\Program Files (x86)... Never ever install games on such Windows "protected" folders...

Edit: Remember, the // makes the line inactive, you must not have it in any code you want to use, and have it in everything else, including codes you wanna not to activate. Of course commentaries must always be after the //
Imagination is where we are truly real
So i have this problem too,did anything mentioned in this forum but nothing worked it still say 0 cheat loaded.
after some research i found someone mentioned enable widescreen patches(below enable cheats). I try enabling it and it load some pnach files from in pcsx2 directory(downloaded from emuparadise).So i add persona 4 cheat file (DEDC3B71.pnach) to then play the game and the cheats worked
But i still curious why it wont load from original cheat file(D:games/pcsx2/cheats)?
Are you use pcsx2 1.4.0?
please don't necro old threads
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