Plugins for THIS gamesss........
U forgot to upload a new list of compatibility games too.......for example: games like................Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive` run good or nothing else..................why did KOF MI2 not running so well........ that run middle slowly....why new GS plugins not running better in this time.............

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(01-05-2009, 08:55 PM)granenigma Wrote: U forgot to upload a new list of compatibility games too.......for example: games like................Soul Calibur, Dead or Alive` run good or nothing else..................why did KOF MI2 not running so well........ that run middle slowly....why new GS plugins not running better in this time.............

Nobody is getting paid to keep that compatibility list. They can't update every game every time a new version of something comes out, the best way to see if something works is to try it.

The newest GS plugins run better than any previous ones that I've tried. Maybe, just maybe, the problem is your computer.
"This thread should be closed immediately, it causes parallel imagination and multiprocess hallucination" --ardhi
well but....i don´t know if the problem is my PC look I have :

Core 2 Duo 2.5 GH
512 MB de Vid

I don`t know if people who have this features have problems.... in this few days i put some codecs i forgot to put........and put more quickly those games....only I have KOF but i don`t have Soul Calibur.......but its only my question is if that game play in PCSX2 emulator......byeeee
(01-05-2009, 09:31 PM)granenigma Wrote: well but....i don´t know if the problem is my PC look I have :

Core 2 Duo 2.5 GH
512 MB de Vid

I don`t know if people who have this features have problems.... in this few days i put some codecs i forgot to put........and put more quickly those games....only I have KOF but i don`t have Soul Calibur.......but its only my question is if that game play in PCSX2 emulator......byeeee

Reading you is quite unpleasant... Wacko

Anyway, yes, soulcalibur works with pcsx2 but very slowly. It's very GPU demanding.
Try to overclock your CPU as it's a little bit slow to play pcsx2 at good speeds
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
Sorry dude, but from my POV, you're demanding too much things. You demand an explanation for this emulator version being "worst" than the playground version, when is just a "names-hacked" by some lamer somewhere. And now you say they forgot to upload a compatibility list. They didn't forgot.

They're bussy with more important things. If a game works better or doesn't work, it's better to report it. There's info on that at the forums.
Well well......r u know the best performance from the KOF MI2 game.....or WWE 2009 game or no???????
(01-12-2009, 09:37 PM)granenigma Wrote: Well well......r u know the best performance from the KOF MI2 game.....or WWE 2009 game or no???????

depends on your hardware. Just give it a try and give feedback, this could be useful to pcsx2 team Tongue
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
No, I doubt any reports from granenigma will be useful Tongue2
LOL the way he types i would have to agree Tongue2
Death Notebook - (Killer Notebooks)
X9000 OC Dual 3.0 : GeForce 8800M GTX : 4 GB OCZ Ram

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