This was one of the first games I tried to get running on PCSX2, and to this day I've only been able to get about 20-40fps, with the occasional golden moment of 50. But that's with a tonne of hacks enabled, almost to the point of making it unplayable. My CPU is a 6 core/3.7GHz, my computer's CPU is no where near what could be considered 'slow', just like yours. Though with your 4.5GHz clock, you should be able to get a little better than 20-40.
The issue seems to be that games like Primal make extensive use of the VU0, instead of the VU1. You can test this by turning the VUs (VU0/VU1) settings from Recompiler to Interpreter, you'll see that the VU0 being set to interpreter has a massive impact, while the VU1 has a much lesser impact. Hence the MTVU hack doesn't achieve anything in this game's case, since it multithreads the VU1 and not the VU0. Which apparently is impossible/near impossible to multithread to a separate thread away from the EE.
So basically there's nothing you can do to fix the problem, unless you can overclock your CPU to 9GHz to double your fps
Other than that, just wait and hope (and donate occasionally, nothin' like good ol' bribery to make the wheels turn) like me that the PCSX2 team come up with some brilliant idea to fix the problem.
In the mean time, I recommend the following settings: (These work for me, while remaining playable mostly)
- Round Mode: Nearest
- Clamping Mode: None
- superVU Recompiler (I have no idea why, but I get an extra 1-2fps with this turned on, weird huh?)
- microVU Recompiler
VU0/VU1 Advanced:
- Round Mode: Nearest
- Clamping Mode: None
- EE Cyclerate: 2
- VU Cycle Stealing: 0
- mVU Flag Hack: Enabled
- MTVU : Enabled (Can't hurt right?)
Other Hacks:
- I've found enabling all or none of these has little impact on performance for obvious reasons.
Note: These settings will result in bugs, but so far haven't found anything which stopped me from playing the game.
As for the GS settings, it doesn't matter on my system if I set it to native resolution or 6x resolution, regardless the fps is about the same. Although I did have to use an older version of the GS to get hardware mode working on my system. If you're using software mode on the GS because you can't get the hardware mode to work, that may have a slight impact (not much admittedly), and could be fixed by reverting back to the 4600 build version of the GSDX plugin.
Also, I get about 18fps on the first cutscene, and about 30-40fps while in the game. So be sure to get past the cutscene and get to the first world (the wintery place, can't remember the name) before judging the performance.
Best of luck! Hope you get it running smoothly! :3
Hope any or all of that helps!
A nerd, gamer (PC/PS/Emulators), hobby programmer (Java) learning OpenGL programming (4.2+), and professional 3D artist (Blender). Here to share experiences using PCSX2, report issues, thank the developers for their awesome work and contribute to any technical discussions I have input for.