Problem in video with ffx2
Sorry if my english is bad, I'm french.
I've a problem with this game, with a plugin Gsdx the picture have some stripes
[Image: 100130124131161881.jpg]and with a plugin zero Gs the video is move upward and not beautiful.
What video plugin works well with this game?

Thank you in advance for your answers.

My config :
windows seven 64bits
Amd phenom 4x3.2Ghz
Ram 8go
graphics : 2 geforce Gtx 260²

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PCSX2 version, plugin settings?? What game is it??? Are we supposed to guess all that?
[Image: newsig.jpg]
It's for FFX-2. I've Pcsx2 0.9.6 and r1888.
And for the graphics plugin I use zerogs 0.97.1 or gsdx 2404(MSVC 15.00,SSSE3) 0.1.15, I tried to configure differently but it changes nothing.
Old, known bug that happens when upscaling is enabled.
In GSdx tick the "native" checkbox to fix it.
(01-30-2010, 03:42 PM)rama Wrote: Old, known bug that happens when upscaling is enabled.
In GSdx tick the "native" checkbox to fix it.

thank you that work
[Image: 100130030732465861.jpg]

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