06-12-2014, 11:08 PM
Hi guys ive got a problem ith running kh2fm on pcsx2 whitout screen jumping,you can see it here on my recording http://youtu.be/5ytuZypxbU8
My pc specs are
Gtx 760
8gb Ram
windows 7 64 bit
ive got all default except for these
and ive got mtvu on(setting it off doesnt help)
Here are screens of my pcsx2 config:
[Image: b3465b2025aab.png.html]
[Image: 2690d72fd9af6.png.html]
My pc specs are
Gtx 760
8gb Ram
windows 7 64 bit
ive got all default except for these
and ive got mtvu on(setting it off doesnt help)
Here are screens of my pcsx2 config:
[Image: b3465b2025aab.png.html]
[Image: 2690d72fd9af6.png.html]