08-05-2012, 07:33 AM
Hello everyone. I have been playing this on my PCXS2 V 1.0.0 called Another Century's Episode 3: The Final.
Now it is running great. FMVs are good, audio and video are great, menus work. I even played the 1st mission and it was flawless.
Now everything is fine until I load a new mission. It freezes mid loading for the mission.
Do you know any way to fix this?
Intel HD Graphics 3000
Windows 7 service pack 1
DirectX 10.1
Physical Memory 8139MB
Min Graphics Memory 32mb
Max Graphics Memory 1696mb
Graphics Memory in use 241mb
Processor Intel64 Family 6 model 42 stepping 7
Processor speed 2394
Video BIOS 2104.0
And I am using a PS3 controller with motionjoy
Thank you all very much in advanced!
Now it is running great. FMVs are good, audio and video are great, menus work. I even played the 1st mission and it was flawless.
Now everything is fine until I load a new mission. It freezes mid loading for the mission.
Do you know any way to fix this?
Intel HD Graphics 3000
Windows 7 service pack 1
DirectX 10.1
Physical Memory 8139MB
Min Graphics Memory 32mb
Max Graphics Memory 1696mb
Graphics Memory in use 241mb
Processor Intel64 Family 6 model 42 stepping 7
Processor speed 2394
Video BIOS 2104.0
And I am using a PS3 controller with motionjoy
Thank you all very much in advanced!