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Hi, I didn't found anything like this on the forum so I'm questioning (sorry anything, I'm new here)
So I had no issues saving on Folder Memory Card, but now if I close the emu and start it again, it reverts to an older save, he only register if I delete in the memcard folder the older save and save it again via game, but after that I can't oversave this one like before because it keeps reverting after I close the emulator. I'm using the latest Nightly version of the Emulator.
Saving on Mem Card works fine, the problem is only with the folder, I didn't test with other games yet, so I don't know if is a problem with this game exclusively.
I can play normally with Mem Card, but the folder one is better for I don't need to keep track of space usage, so anyone had a similar problem?
Thanks in advance
(English isn't my native language, but I did my best to describe the issue)
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Please post the contents of the emulog.txt file after the problem occurs. The file can be found in "My Documents\PCSX2\logs" for the installer version or in "PCSX2\logs" for the portable/binary version.
Please make sure to enclose your emulog in code tags like so (remove the empty space on the closing code tag!):
Pasted emulog goes here
[ /code]
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
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07-08-2023, 07:44 AM
(This post was last modified: 07-08-2023, 07:59 AM by Feragruv.)
Ok, I think I know what happened:
Right now appeared an update to do, but it failed saying the version may be corrupted and do download an freshier version from Github, I did it and tested again the save issue and now it seens to be working fine!
What I don't know is how it got corrupted...
The log folder was empty, don't know if I may skipped something on config to not generate an log...
I activated the option to generante logs, if it happens again I'll update with the log correctly
Posts: 31.344
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Joined: Dec 2008
well, mgs3 is notorious to corrupt savegames even on original hardware. so ...
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
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07-18-2023, 03:35 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-18-2023, 03:43 PM by Feragruv.)
Well, here I am, the problem is back, I can't update my saves on folder memory card on Metal Gear Solid 3, this is the log:
Code: [ 0.0204] Loaded translation file for language en
[ 0.0232] PCSX2 Nightly - v1.7.4748 Compiled on Jul 17 2023
[ 0.0232] Savestate version: 0x9a370000
[ 0.0232]
[ 0.0232] Host Machine Init:
[ 0.0232] Operating System = Microsoft Windows 10+
[ 0.0232] Physical RAM = 16314 MB
[ 0.0233] CPU name = AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor
[ 0.0233] Vendor/Model = AuthenticAMD (stepping 00)
[ 0.0233] Logical Cores = 16
[ 0.0233] x86PType = Standard OEM
[ 0.0233] x86Flags = 178bfbff 7ed8320b
[ 0.0233] x86EFlags = 2fd3fbff
[ 0.0233]
[ 0.0233] x86 Features Detected:
[ 0.0233] AVX AVX2
[ 0.0233]
[ 0.0259] Reserving memory for recompilers...
[ 0.0282] Fastmem area: 000002C0E6470000 - 000002C1E646FFFF
[ 0.0326] XInput controller 0 connected.
[ 0.3781] Scanning C:\Users\Victor\Desktop\Victor\Live Games\PS2\Isos (recursively)
[ 0.3884] SDLInputSource: Loaded 778 controller mappings from game_controller_db.txt.
[ 0.5035] (SDLInputSource) Controller 0 inserted
[ 0.5036] (SDLInputSource) Opened game controller 0 (instance id 0, player id 0): XInput Controller
[ 0.5036] (SDLInputSource) Rumble is supported on 'XInput Controller' via gamecontroller
[ 0.8045] Current version: v1.7.4748
[ 0.8045] Latest SHA: v1.7.4748
[ 0.8045] Last Checked SHA:
[ 0.8045] No update needed.
[ 2.1409] Loading BIOS...
[ 2.1410] BIOS Found: USA v01.60(07/02/2002) Console 20020207-164243
[ 2.1425] BIOS rom1 module not found, skipping...
[ 2.1425] BIOS rom2 module not found, skipping...
[ 2.1425] Opening CDVD...
[ 2.1430] isoFile open ok: C:\Users\Victor\Desktop\Victor\Live Games\PS2\Isos\Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence (USA) (En,Es) (Disc 1) (Subsistence).iso
[ 2.1430] Image type = DVD
[ 2.1430] * CDVD Disk Open: DVD, Single layer or unknown:
[ 2.1430] * * Track 1: Data (Mode 1) (2282528 sectors)
[ 2.1438] [GameDB] Has not been initialized yet, initializing...
[ 2.1741] [GameDB] 11509 games on record (loaded in 30.35ms)
[ 2.1742] Disc changed to Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence (USA) (En,Es) (Disc 1) (Subsistence).iso.
[ 2.1742] Name: Metal Gear Solid 3 - Subsistence [Disc 1 of 3]
[ 2.1742] Serial: SLUS-21359
[ 2.1742] Version: 1.00
[ 2.1742] CRC: 053D2239
[ 2.1744] Applying settings...
[ 2.1901] Applying settings...
[ 2.1916] Hash for 'SLUS_213.59' (356404 bytes, 356404 bytes hashed): 25f94103eabed84873d07bddc6b4177f
[ 2.1934] Reopening memory cards...
[ 2.1935] McdSlot 1 [File]: C:\Users\Victor\Desktop\Victor\Live Games\PS2\memcards\Mcd001.ps2
[ 2.1938] McdSlot 0: [Folder] C:\Users\Victor\Desktop\Victor\Live Games\PS2\memcards\Memory.ps2
[ 2.1939] (FolderMcd) Indexing slot 0 without filter.
[ 2.1991] Opening GS...
[ 6.0341] No GPU requested, using first (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060)
[ 6.1541] VK_EXT_provoking_vertex is supported
[ 6.1541] VK_EXT_line_rasterization is supported
[ 6.1541] VK_EXT_calibrated_timestamps is supported
[ 6.1541] VK_EXT_rasterization_order_attachment_access is NOT supported
[ 6.1541] VK_EXT_attachment_feedback_loop_layout is supported
[ 6.1636] Read 345 entries from 'C:\Users\Victor\Desktop\Victor\Live Games\PS2\cache\vulkan_shaders.idx'
[ 6.2829] Vulkan Graphics Driver Info:
[ 6.2829] Driver 536.92.0
[ 6.2829] Vulkan 1.3.242
[ 6.2829] Conformance Version
[ 6.2829] 536.23
[ 6.2829] NVIDIA
[ 6.2829] NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060
[ 6.2854] Opening SPU2...
[ 6.2855] Initializing SndBuffer at sample rate of 48000...
[ 6.2890] (Cubeb) Using normal 2 speaker stereo output.
[ 6.2924] (Cubeb) Minimum latency: 10.00 ms (480 audio frames)
[ 6.3051] Opening PAD...
[ 6.3051] Opening DEV9...
[ 6.3059] Opening USB...
[ 6.3059] Opening FW...
[ 6.3058] EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
[ 6.3423] Vsync is OFF
[ 6.5407] VM subsystems initialized in 4400.06 ms
[ 6.5412] Processor count: 8 cores, 16 processors
[ 6.5412] Cluster count: 1
[ 6.5415] Ordered processor list: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 1[SMT 1], 3[SMT 1], 5[SMT 1], 7[SMT 1], 9[SMT 1], 11[SMT 1], 13[SMT 1], 15[SMT 1]
[ 6.5416] Vsync is OFF
[ 6.5416] Vsync is OFF
[ 6.5591] Server returned GameID 2831
[ 6.7147] ELF Loading: , Game CRC = 00000000, EntryPoint = 0xFFFFFFFF
[ 6.8375] Vsync is OFF
[ 6.9795] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to DVD NTSC.
[ 6.9899] Possible old value used in COP2 code. If the game is broken, please report to .
[ 6.9899] 267000 4A0002FF vnop
[ 6.9899] 267004 48C08000 ctc2 zero, Status
[ 6.9899] 267008 4BAB42EC vsub.xyw vf11, vf08, vf11
[ 6.9899] 26700c *4BA8632C vsub.xyw vf12, vf12, vf08
[ 6.9899] 267010 4A2B4B3C vmove.w, vf11, vf09
[ 6.9899] 267014 4A2C533C vmove.w, vf12, vf10
[ 6.9899] 267018 4A0002FF vnop
[ 6.9899] 26701c 20E70010 addi a3, a3, 0x0010
[ 6.9899] 267020 D8E80000 lqc2 vf08, 0x 0(a3)
[ 6.9899] 267024 2108FFFF addi t0, t0, 0xFFFF
[ 6.9899] 267028 =48428000 cfc2 v0, Status
[ 6.9899] 26702c 304200C0 andi v0,v0, 0x00C0
[ 6.9899] 267030 10400004 beq v0, zero, ->$0x00267044
[ 6.9900] 267034 00000000 nop
[ 7.8682] OSD [MemoryCardSave1]: Memory Card 'Mcd001.ps2' was saved to storage.
[ 7.9921] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to DVD NTSC.
[ 7.9921] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to DVD NTSC.
[ 8.0109] cdvdLoadElf(): Unknown device in ELF path 'rom0:PS2LOGO'
[ 8.0109] Failed to read ELF being loaded: rom0:PS2LOGO:
[ 8.0109] ELF Loading: , Game CRC = 00000000, EntryPoint = 0xFFFFFFFF
[ 8.0914] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to DVD NTSC.
[ 8.0914] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to DVD NTSC.
[ 8.1018] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 8.1018] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 8.1246] Game Title: Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence
[ 8.1246] Achievements: 330
[ 8.1246] Leaderboards: 0
[ 8.4749] Deferring achievement activate until ELF has booted.
[ 8.7146] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 8.7146] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 8.7320] ELF Loading: cdrom0:\SLUS_213.59;1, Game CRC = 053D2239, EntryPoint = 0x00852A68
[ 8.9399] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 8.9399] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 8.9400] ELF cdrom0:\SLUS_213.59;1 with entry point at 0x8727144 is executing.
[ 8.9414] ELF changed, active CRC 053D2239 (cdrom0:\SLUS_213.59;1)
[ 8.9417] Found 3 game patches in SLUS-21359_053D2239.pnach.
[ 8.9417] Applying core settings...
[ 8.9418] (GameDB) Enabled Gamefix: BlitInternalFPS
[ 8.9419] (GameDB) Enabled Gamefix: InstantDMA
[ 8.9419] [GameDB] Enabled GS Hardware Fix: autoFlush to [mode=2]
[ 8.9419] [GameDB] Enabled GS Hardware Fix: halfPixelOffset to [mode=2]
[ 8.9419] [GameDB] Enabled GS Hardware Fix: getSkipCount to [mode=19]
[ 8.9419] Updating CPU configuration...
[ 8.9548] Updating GS configuration...
[ 8.9548] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 8.9548] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 8.9549] Vsync is OFF
[ 8.9703] EE/iR5900-32 Recompiler Reset
[ 9.5729] Playing game updated to 2831 (Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence)
[ 9.7367] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 9.7368] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 9.7563] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 9.7564] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 11.4318] Read Abort
[ 12.9740] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 12.9740] Vsync is OFF
[ 13.1425] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 13.1426] Vsync is OFF
[ 14.5502] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 14.5502] Vsync is OFF
[ 14.8688] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 14.8688] Vsync is OFF
[ 15.6625] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 15.6626] Vsync is OFF
[ 18.9850] Vsync is OFF
[ 18.9850] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 19.3576] Vsync is OFF
[ 19.3576] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 19.8437] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 19.8438] Vsync is OFF
[ 22.2435] (UpdateVSyncRate) Mode Changed to NTSC.
[ 22.2491] Vsync is OFF
[ 24.1832] (VMManager) Pausing...
[ 26.1507] Add 24 seconds play time to SLUS-21359 -> now 36523
[ 26.2969] Skipping updating pipeline cache 'C:\Users\Victor\Desktop\Victor\Live Games\PS2\cache\vulkan_pipelines.bin' due to no changes.
[ 26.3706] XInput controller 0 disconnected.
[ 26.3855] Releasing host memory for virtual systems...
I think what glitched not updating the saves was making a second save, in the case I made a second save for The End fight because of two achievements, so a main one to continue the game and the second just for this fight, maybe this had something to do with not letting update the main save?