Ps3 Remote with Lilypad
Its pretty sad ive gotten as far as I have and I cant figure out how to make my controller work... ='( This is literally the last thing I need to do.

Its plugged in via USB and the 4 lights on the top of the controller are bleeping. When I try to configure keys with lilypad its simply not registering at all. Is there another plugin I need?

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What operating system? 32 or 64 bit?

Do the buttons register in the game controller properties window?
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(08-11-2009, 06:30 AM)KrazyTrumpeter05 Wrote: What operating system? 32 or 64 bit?

Do the buttons register in the game controller properties window?


Controller dosn't respond at all, all ive got is 4 beeping lights on the top of the remote, I dont currently have any drivers installed for it because I couldn't figure them out. I did some googleing and found some drivers for the Dualshock 3 remote but my computer did not want to install them. I followed the installation instructions for installaing the driver but my computer just wasn't having it.
Vista or XP?
Want to stream your games? Let me know and I can help you get set up with Open Broadcaster Software.
Os: XP
Is this what you tried?
Want to stream your games? Let me know and I can help you get set up with Open Broadcaster Software.
Yes I already have that installed
Ok in the midst of all this I finally got the controller to respond, now my screen is stuck on the "Browser" and "System Configuration" Screen and its not loading the actual game.
Read the configuration guide and configure the emulator properly. Especially the CDVD parts.
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